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Mixture of carbohydrates and proteins in the Indian diet

Mixture of carbohydrates and proteins in the Indian diet


India is often called the diabetes capital of the world. How did she get this dubious distinction that her 17% of the world’s population (about 420 million people) suffer from abnormal carbohydrate metabolism and elevated blood sugar levels?

Is the diabetes epidemic in India due to genetic factors or external factors? It is responsible for the surge in diabetes (T2D).

A recent study published in journal of nutrition A team at the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF) further narrowed down the causative factors. Incorporating findings and reviews from previous studies, their study identified excessive carbohydrate consumption from refined grains, lack of quality protein, and unhealthy fat intake as key drivers of the type 2 diabetes epidemic. It identifies excess, lack of dietary fiber, and reduced physical activity.

Researchers examined the dietary profile of 2,042 adults in Chennai, with a focus on the South Indian diet, and found that food consumption was heavily skewed towards carbohydrates. In fact, 64% of his daily calories are carbohydrates (mostly white rice), 24% fat, and 12% protein. Intake of fruits and vegetables rich in micronutrients and fiber was only 265 gm per day, compared to the recommended 500 gm (350 gm vegetables and 250 gm fruits).

Carbohydrates in the form of grains dominate diets across the country. White rice is the staple food in the southern, eastern and northeastern parts of India, whereas wheat flour (atta) is consumed in northern, western and central India. According to the 2020 study ‘What India Eats’ by the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), 97% of adults in rural India and 67% of adults in urban areas meet the recommended intake. ingested in excess. of grain. In contrast, only 11% of the energy came from legumes, legumes, and animal foods. Only 9% of rural adults and 17% of urban adults consumed enough vegetables. High-salt, high-fat, high-energy-dense foods such as chips, chocolate, biscuits, and juices accounted for 11% and 4% of total energy intake in urban and rural areas, respectively.

dangerous case

This study used mathematical modeling to determine that the “optimal macronutrient distribution” for the prevention of T2D is 49-57% carbohydrates (preferably complex carbohydrates), 16-20% ICMR- It cites a recent study by the Indian Diabetes (INDIAB). Pre-diabetic adults at risk of developing diabetes need protein, 20-26 percent fat, and 4-6 percent dietary fiber.

Type 1 diabetes, a genetic condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, develops early in life and is managed by giving patients regular insulin. , is a lifestyle-related disease in which the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use the insulin that is produced. T2D is controlled by switching to a healthier diet, exercise, medications, and administering insulin as needed.

Importantly, type 1 diabetes accounts for about 8% of diabetes cases, with the rest being type 2 diabetes. From 1990 to 2016, the number of people with diabetes in India increased from 26 million to 65 million, according to MDRF research. Estimates from 2022 put the figure at 80 million and are expected to rise to 135 million by 2045 if no remedial action is taken.

A study of adults in Chennai by the MDRF team found that the highest carbohydrate intake (587 gm per day) compared to the lowest carbohydrate intake (294 gm per day) resulted in 2 A 5-fold increase in the risk of type diabetes was found. Rising prices for legumes, legumes and animal products have led to reduced protein intake and an over-reliance on cheap refined cereals.

Switch to complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat, brown rice, and millet. Higher intake of protein and fiber; reduced intake of saturated fat, trans fat, salt and sugar is recommended. Unfortunately, however, healthy eating has become the prerogative of the rich, and healthy food has become an indulgence beyond the means of the masses.




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