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How sleep deprivation is associated with increased risk of high blood pressure

How sleep deprivation is associated with increased risk of high blood pressure


  • A new study links inconsistent and irregular sleep with an increased risk of high blood pressure.
  • Although the study includes data from more than 12,000 participants, it does not include information on social determinants of health such as gender or race.
  • Researchers used under-the-mattress-style monitors and traditional blood pressure monitors to create a link.

A new study published in a medical journal high blood pressure Going to bed after just 34 minutes has been associated with a significantly increased risk of developing high blood pressure.

Study authors, most of whom are from Flinders University, Adelaide, Australiaexamined people with irregular sleep patterns and whether it was associated with high blood pressure or an increased risk of high blood pressure.

Participants were part of a global sample studied over a period of nine months, according to the researchers, compared to previous studies of this type.

The study included 12,287 adults between the ages of 38 and 62, 88% of whom were male, all defined by the researchers as being overweight.

The researchers used an under-mattress sleep monitor combined with regular blood pressure recordings to make the associations.

They found that having irregular sleep patterns could increase the risk of high blood pressure by 9% to 17%, regardless of total sleep time. We observed that a difference of as little as 34 minutes in bedtime could increase the risk of hypertension by 32%.

Doctor.Allen J. Taylor The chair of the Cardiology Board at the MedStar Heart and Vascular Institute said the value of such studies would be to have more data to inform medical seekers about how bed rest affects the risk of hypertension. is to provide

“The more specific a suggestion for action, the more likely it will be implemented. I think sleep is a very specific suggestion.”

Taylor and his colleagues view the relationship between sleep and hypertension as part of a larger whole that includes other areas of behavioral change.

“I think it’s the same as dieting… sleep is something we all do every day. Includes: Sleep is one of strategy and stress [level] Another good example. ”

One area this study did not explore is the possible impact of social determinants of health (areas such as gender, race, and socioeconomic status) on that Doctor. Karen D. Lincoln (PhD)a professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of California, Irvine, would like to see a future job.

“…when we talk about interventions, what can we do to target or increase interventions? [and] Get a little more information about your socioeconomic status and promote your health. It’s education, it’s a place people live in, it’s something they have access to. Eating better and eating organic is very important because some things are inaccessible to other people. ”

More than confirming what is already known in the field, Lincoln is less certain of the research’s direct impact on her work at the intersection of African-American communities, cognitive impairment, and sleep. No, but she hopes that research in this area can delve into the indirect relationship that arises regarding sleep and hypertension.

“So, for example, people who are sleep deprived, people who don’t get enough sleep overall, are more likely to engage in what we call unhealthy behaviors, right? are more likely to eat comfort foods such as salty foods, sweet foods, etc., so they become sedentary. can cause

Lincoln also points to locational factors such as the lack of available grocery stores and public parks as lenses that can be used to understand the study area. In other words, sleep irregularities (often called sleep disorders in the US) set off a chain reaction.

A new study finds evidence that inconsistent and irregular sleep may increase the risk of high blood pressure. increase.

Taylor’s research confirms that a correlation exists between high blood pressure and irregular sleep.

“The concept of what kind of mechanism [is], what is happening here has its own significance. To be able to bridge the biological understanding between observations and the links made so far. ”




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