Statins do not exacerbate muscle soreness or fatigue during moderate exercise
- statin therapy Moderate-intensity exercise does not increase the risk of muscle damage, pain, or fatigue.
- Researchers 4Days Marchis a Dutch event that involves walking 18-30 miles each day for 4 days in the city of Nijmegen.
- The results of this study show that statins did not worsen muscle damage, pain, and fatigue. These symptoms increased similarly in all groups.
statin therapy A new study shows that moderate-intensity exercise does not increase the risk of muscle damage, soreness, or fatigue. study Published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Researchers moderate intensity exercisewalking, etc., for muscles – symptomatic and asymptomatic – in people taking statins Heart disease.
The study participants included 100 people. This included 35 people taking a statin with statin-related muscle symptoms, his 34 people taking a statin who showed no muscle problems, and 31 people not taking a statin as a control group. was included.
People taking statins had taken them for at least 3 months prior to the study. People with certain health conditions, such as diabetes, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, hereditary skeletal muscle disease, were excluded from the study.
person using CoQ10 supplement was also excluded.
At the beginning of the study, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, physical activity level, and Vitamin D3 The levels were similar. Muscle pain and fatigue scores were higher in participants with symptoms at the start of the study.
Researchers 4Days Marchis a Dutch event that involves walking 18-30 miles each day for 4 days in the city of Nijmegen.
“Participants walk 30, 40 or 50 km. [18mi, 24mi or 31mi] Every day for 4 consecutive days. This means that in his four days he will walk between 120 (74 miles) and 200 (124 miles) km,” said Holland and lead author of the study. “We do a lot of walking, so we train in advance. In fact, what started as a military event in 1909 has grown to become the world’s largest walking event for both military and recreational walkers. .”
Researchers compared the effects of walking on muscle injuries in symptomatic and asymptomatic participants.
The results of this study show that statins did not worsen muscle damage, pain, and fatigue. These symptoms increased similarly in all groups.
Attached editorialDr. Robert S. Rosenson, director of metabolism and lipids at Mount Sinai Health System and professor of cardiology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, said:Fitness for all high-risk patients atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease events, especially those with invalidation events such as myocardial infarctionand treatment of major cardiovascular risk factors high blood pressure, prediabetes, or diabetes and Dyslipidemia”
“Many patients who develop muscle damage and fatigue symptoms may engage in moderately intensive walking programs without worrying about muscle biomarkers or performance deterioration.
“In this short-term study, exercise was associated with more fatigue in symptomatic and asymptomatic statin users, but it is unclear from this study whether sustained exercise was associated with SAMS. remains. [statin-associated muscle symptoms] Patients’ can help improve key biomarkers and exercise performance over time.
This study has some limitations.
“For example, although the sample size is large, it must be taken into account that not all participants took the same statin. Michael Masi, DPT, OCS, CSCS, CISSN, CMTPT, USAW-1, Masi Fitness strength and sports physicians. “The researchers also describe how the inclusion criteria for the study required that participants be able to walk at least 30 km a day.
Masi notes that statin use increases with age
Statins are lower cholesterol Can reduce the risk of heart attack strokeand the need for surgery, angioplasty, or stenting In people with heart disease, according to Health and Welfare Division (HHS) of the United States. Not only do they help by reducing cholesterol, they may also help reduce inflammation in artery walls.
The higher your risk of heart attack, the greater the benefit you get from statins.
About 29% of people taking statins experience side effects such as muscle pain and weakness. Side effects can be reduced by adjusting the dose or choosing a different statin drug, but many people stop taking statins, increasing their risk of heart attack and stroke.
HHS recommends that “those who have had a heart attack or stroke, who have diabetes or very high ‘bad’ cholesterol levels, or who are at increased risk of heart disease or stroke due to other factors such as high blood pressure, You will live healthier and longer.” Living on statins. ”
Still, some people experience muscle symptoms such as: muscle pain Or sore muscles. These symptoms may worsen during physical activity.
“The current recommendation for people taking statins is that patients continue to take statins at their maximum tolerated dose after discussion with their health care provider,” he said. Michael Brookim, an interventional cardiologist at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA. “You should have a regular exercise program rather than a moderate-intensity exercise program.”
“I recommend moderate-intensity exercise and encourage my patients to do at least 150 minutes of this exercise a week,” Broukhim told Healthline. recommends that individual patients exercise as much as possible.”
“People taking statins and starting an exercise program need to be more cautious. During high-intensity exercise, This can cause muscle enzyme levels to rise significantly, which can lead to muscle damage. ”
Examples of moderate-intensity exercises include:
- brisk walking
- cycling
- water aerobics
- general gymnastics
- doubles tennis
- Ballroom dancing
For those looking to get started, experts recommend a combination of strength training and cardio, Masi said. Masi said everyone should start at their own pace and ability and gradually increase both duration and resistance.
“If they are new to exercise, the best thing they can do is try a few different options. Finding the ideal is more important than finding the best,” says Masi. says Mr. “Find exercise that you enjoy so that you can do it for the foreseeable future.”
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