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NIH awards MaineHealth $802,000 to study possible causes of long COVID

NIH awards MaineHealth 2,000 to study possible causes of long COVID



The PROMIS study will examine whether the SARS-CoV2 virus remains trapped in the adipose tissue of long-term COVID patients.

Portland, Maine – main health institute (MHIR) is National Institutes of Health (NIH) investigates theorized causes of long COVID. The Pathobiology in RECOVER of Metabolic and Immune Systems (PROMIS) study explores whether the virus that causes COVID remains hidden in the adipose tissue of long-term COVID patients, stressing the immune system to potential damage. Examine.

Research is part of the nation RECOVER initiative Trying to understand, prevent and find a cure for Long COVID. Long COVID is a term used to describe prolonged or emerging symptoms after the acute phase of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Common symptoms of this condition include fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, and trouble sleeping.

“One of the challenges in treating long COVID is that we don’t yet know what causes it,” he said. Cliff Rosen, M.D., senior scientist at MHIR and principal investigator of the study. “If we can prove that the virus is lodging in the adipose tissue of Long Her COVID patients, then we can start targeting treatments that affect that part of the body.”

Dr. Rosen and MHIR colleagues and co-Principal Investigators Dr. Yvette Emeryand Sergey Ryzhov, MD, PhD, in collaboration with colleagues at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at the University of Kentucky and Louisiana State University, examine the blood of 60 current RECOVER study participants from Maine, Kentucky, and Louisiana. Scientists will test the virus and specific proteins that the virus may activate to cause prolonged COVID symptoms.

MHIR will also work with researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Stanford University, and the University of Oregon to take adipose tissue biopsies from participants. Together, scientists are analyzing tissue samples to see if they carry the virus and are producing substances in the immune system that can cause fatigue, brain fog and other protracted COVID symptoms. confirm.

“We know that people with type 2 diabetes and obesity are at higher risk for long-term COVID,” said Dr. Ryzhov. “This study may bring us closer to understanding the biology behind why.” , could also be a first step to prevent long COVID.”

The study is expected to take a year.

This study was funded in part by National Institutes of Health (NIH) agreement OT2HL161847-01. of the NIH.


About main health
main health is a non-profit integrative health system whose vision is to “work together to make our communities the healthiest in America.” It consists of nine regional health systems, a comprehensive behavioral health network, diagnostic services, home health agencies, and 1,700 employed providers working together through MaineHealth Medical Group. MaineHealth has approximately 22,000 employees and provides preventive health care, diagnosis and treatment to her 1.1 million residents in Maine and New Hampshire. These include Franklin Memorial Hospital/Franklin Community Health Network in Farmington, Lincoln Health in Damariscotta and Boothbay Harbor, Maine Behavioral Health Care in South Portland, MaineHealth Care at Home in Soco, Maine Medical Center in Portland, North Conway , New Hampshire and Memorial Hospital in the Mid Coast. – Parkview Health, Brunswick; NorDx, Scarborough; Penn Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital, Lockport and Belfast; Southern Maine Health Care, Bidford and Sanford; Spring Harbor Hospital, Westbrook; Stevens, Norway Memorial Hospital/Western Maine Health Care. MaineHealth affiliates include Maine General Health in Augusta and Waterville, New England Rehabilitation Hospital in Portland, and St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center in Lewiston. He is also a key stakeholder in Portland’s MaineHealth Accountable Care Organization.




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