Why Oral Hygiene is Important for Whole Body Health
The mouth is the perfect place for bacteria to thrive. It’s dark, warm, and moist, and the food and drink you ingest nourish the bacteria.
However, when harmful bacteria accumulate around the teeth and gums, there is a risk of developing periodontal disease (or gums)experts say, this is an infection and inflammation of the gums and bones that surround the tooth.
Such conditions in the mouth can affect other parts of the body, says Kimberly Bray, a professor of dental hygiene at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
a A growing but limited body of researchFor example, we found that periodontal disease is associated with a variety of health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, respiratory infections, and dementia.
With existing research limited and no studies establishing cause and effect, it’s still not well understood how oral bacteria affect overall health, Dr. Bray said.
But some conditions are more related to oral health than others, according to experts. Here’s what we know.
health problems related to oral health
About 47% of people over the age of 30 in the United States have some form of gum disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In its early stages, called gingivitis, the gums may become swollen, red, tender, and easy to bleed. Left untreated, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, a more serious condition that causes gums to recede, bone loss, and teeth to loosen or fall out.
In periodontitis, bacteria and their toxic byproducts move from the gums and tooth surfaces into the bloodstream where they can spread to various organs, said Ananda P. Dasanayake, professor of epidemiology at the New York University School of Dentistry. I’m here.
This can occur when you are cleaning or flossing your teeth, or if you have cuts or sores in your mouth.
If you have untreated mouth inflammation, some of the proteins responsible for that inflammation can spread throughout the body and damage other organs, Dr. Bray said.
Of all the links between oral health and disease, the best evidence exists between gum disease and diabetes, Dr. Bray said. two-way relationshipshe added: Gum disease appears to increase the risk of diabetes and vice versa.
Researchers don’t yet understand exactly how this works, but In one review published in 2017researchers wrote that the systemic inflammation caused by periodontal disease can exacerbate the body’s ability to signal to and respond to insulin.
of another studyin April, scientists found that diabetics treated for periodontal disease had a 12-14% reduction in overall health care costs.
“It treats periodontal disease and improves diabetes,” says Dr. Dasanayake.
Bacteria can develop when you inhale large amounts of bacteria through your mouth and colonize your lungs aspiration pneumoniasaid Dr. Frank Scannapieko, professor of oral biology at the University of Buffalo School of Dentistry.
This phenomenon is mainly seen in hospitalized patients and elderly people in nursing homes, is a concern For those who can’t floss or brush their own teeth, said Dr. Martina Bertolini, an assistant professor of dentistry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dentistry.
Preventive dental care, such as professional tooth cleaning, and periodontal treatment, such as antibiotic therapy, lower the risk About developing this type of pneumonia, Dr. Scannapieco said.
cardiovascular disease
and Reports published in 2020an international team of experts concluded that there is an important link between periodontitis and heart attack, stroke, plaque buildup in arteries, and other cardiovascular conditions.
Researchers have not identified how poor oral health translates to poor heart health, but some evidence suggests Periodontal bacteria from the mouth migrate to the arteries of patients with vascular disease and may be involved in the development of the disease.
and, 2012 statement A doctor from the American Heart Association noted that gum inflammation is associated with higher levels of inflammatory proteins in the blood, which is associated with worsening heart health.
Some studies also suggest that better oral hygiene practices are associated with a lower incidence of heart disease.
for example, Studies published in 2019researchers reviewed the health records of about 250,000 healthy adults living in South Korea and found that over a period of about 10 years, those who brushed their teeth regularly and had their teeth cleaned regularly had better dental hygiene. were less likely to develop a cardiovascular event than those with worse: more tooth decay, experienced tooth loss, or developed periodontitis.
pregnancy complications
a number of the study and review Dr. Dasanayake says he found a link between severe periodontal disease and premature and low birth weight babies. Although more research is needed to confirm the link.
and 2019 reviewresearchers found that treating periodontal disease during pregnancy improved birth weight and reduced the risk of premature birth and fetal or neonatal death.
and, 2009 survey, researchers found that oral bacteria can migrate to the placenta. Chorioamnionitis, a serious infection of the placenta and amniotic fluid that can lead to premature birth, or can lead to life-threatening complications if left untreated.
Research also suggests Bacteria in the mouth can activate immune cells circulating in the blood, causing inflammation in the uterus that can afflict placental and fetal tissues.
there are many years research that periodontal disease can induce premature birth in animals such as mice; Treatment of these infections It can prevent low birth weight and premature birth.
Researchers are increasingly interested in the role of oral health in dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Scannapieco said.
“Bacteria found in the mouth have actually been identified in brain tissue from Alzheimer’s patients,” he said, suggesting their potential role in the disease.
and recent reviewsscientists believe that oral bacteria, especially those associated with periodontitis, either directly affect the brain via “infection of the central nervous system” or induce “chronic systemic inflammation” that reaches the brain. He pointed out that this could have an indirect impact.
But there’s no evidence that oral bacteria alone can cause Alzheimer’s disease, write the review authors. Just one of many “risk factors”.
Other conditions
Oral bacteria are also strongly associated with many other conditions, including: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosissaid Dr. Bray.And new research shows oral bacteria and kidney and liver disease, Even if colorectal and breast cancer.
But experts say more research is needed to confirm all these connections. Also, it is not yet known whether regular dental care and periodontal care can help prevent or improve any of the above conditions.
what you can do
The best way to keep your mouth healthy is to: Classic dental care advicewhich includes brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily, said Dr. Scannerpieko.
“Not everyone really appreciates their oral health, and only remembers it when they have a toothache or pain,” he added. Just like the health aspects of your mouth, it’s important to be diligent and proactive about your oral health.
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