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Get Your Meditation | Life and Art

Get Your Meditation | Life and Art
Get Your Meditation | Life and Art


Exams, final projects, and job applications are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the pressures the average college student endures.

With the daily turmoil heading into the end of the University of Cincinnati (UC) spring semester, it’s important to schedule time for self-care. Meditation is one of the ways to improve your mental clarity as well as help you relax and get away from schoolwork. Meditation is a broad term, however, and describes different ways to spend time contemplating, concentrating, and relaxing.

guided meditation

Guided meditations guide you through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and mental imagery while listening to audio files or live human voices. This is especially helpful for beginners as the step-by-step guide is an easy way to keep your meditation focused and free of distractions.

Headspace and Calm are two of the most popular guided meditation applications, both with free and commercial versions.Currently, UC students are Free Calm Premium SubscriptionThese applications are a useful starting point for anyone interested in meditation but not sure where to start.

doodle meditation

It may seem unconventional, but one great way to release tension and stress is to doodle on a post-it note or piece of paper. On one sheet, your emotions may yield a mass of densely shaded scribbles, and on another, a lighter sketch. can do. Aimless painting allows you to focus and express your thoughts in a controlled and abstract way.

breathing method

Breathing patterns are an integral part of meditation, especially as they relate to heart rate and stress levels. The correct, controlled breathing style can help take the effectiveness of your meditation session to the next level. One such exercise he does is his 4-7-8 breathing technique, in which he inhales for 4 seconds, holds his breath for 7 seconds, and then he exhales for 8 seconds. This method is especially useful when trying to slow your heart rate. Because a long exhalation does just that. You can easily practice this method anywhere, whether you’re working at your desk, resting in bed, or waiting for class to start.

Another popular breathing technique is the Wim Hof ​​technique. Hold your breath, followed by several rapid deep breaths. Many people who use this technique say they have more energy and, most importantly, less stress. However, it is important to remember that these methods should only be utilized under the guidance of a qualified teacher or medical professional.

walking reflex

This is certainly not a formal or organized version of meditation, but a mindful walk can be just as effective as traditional meditation. is. Instead of letting your mind go completely free, pay special attention to your surroundings and how your body feels with each step. With every step and feeling of breathing, this is a great way to be more grounded and in touch with your surroundings and body.

This also helps people who have trouble sitting still. This can be an integral part of long meditation sessions. This activity can also be changed according to your preferred activity level. Because you can substitute just standing and stretching for walking.

There are many different meditation styles, but figuring out when to incorporate them into your life can still be difficult. Here are some ideas for short-term ways to incorporate meditation into your day.

  • During your study break, spend 5 minutes in guided meditation.

  • Write for 10 minutes before bed to relax and promote sleep.

  • Take a few deep breaths and use the 4-7-8 breathing technique before a stressful event such as an exam or job interview.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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