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World Parkinson’s Day 2023: A Caregiver’s Guide

World Parkinson’s Day 2023: A Caregiver’s Guide
World Parkinson’s Day 2023: A Caregiver’s Guide


every year, world parkinson day April 11th marks the birthday of Dr. James Parkinson, the man who first identified Parkinson’s disease as a medical condition. In 1817 he published an article entitled “Essay on Tremor Paralysis”. The World Health Organization (WHO) explains: Parkinson’s disease as “degenerative brain conditions associated with motor symptoms (sluggishness, tremors, rigidity, imbalance) and other complications, including cognitive impairment, psychiatric disturbances, sleep disturbances, pain and sensory disturbances.” Worldwide, more than 8.5 million people have Parkinson’s disease.

According to Professor Paresh Doshi, Director of Department of Neurosurgery and Restorative Regenerative Medicine at Jaslok Hospital and Research Center in Mumbai, “Parkinson’s disease causes the degeneration of cells in a brain area called the substantia nigra. It causes a loss of the neurotransmitter dopamine.Normally, loss of about 80% of the cells in the substantia nigra leads to the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.”

Professor Doshi pointed out that common signs and symptoms of the disease include tremors, slowness in activities of daily living, stiffness, difficulty walking and shuffling gait. “In some patients, the disease is manifested by sluggishness, lack of movement, or decreased movement on one side of the body.”

Therefore, people with Parkinson’s disease often need to rely on their caregivers for most activities. From driving a car to seeing a doctor, to helping her get dressed.

“Initially, the caregiver’s role is to provide and support the environment necessary to actively understand and understand the person suffering from Parkinson’s disease,” says Professor Doshi. caregiver increase significantly. At this point, the role of the caregiver becomes crucial, providing the right amount of support to keep the patient going rather than making the patient completely dependent. ”

Here are some tips for caregivers:

Parkinson's disease Initially, the caregiver’s role is to provide and support the necessary environment for positive understanding and understanding of the person suffering from Parkinson’s disease. However, as the disease progresses, the dependence on caregivers increases significantly. (Source: Freepik)

*Educate yourself: As a caregiver, it is imperative that you become familiar with the various aspects of the disease. This helps ensure better patient care.

* Brighten up your home: Make sure your home’s entrances, hallways and staircases are bright and clear.

*See an occupational therapist: An occupational therapist can assess your living situation and suggest ways to make it safer.

*Keep it simple: Your loved one may struggle with buttons, zippers, and laces. Alternatively, you can opt for Velcro or elastic closure options.

*Encourage them to seek help: seeking treatment or support group It helps you process your emotions and develop coping skills.

・Creating dishes that are gentle on the intestines

* Participate in activities such as meditation and breathing exercises to relieve symptoms and allow participation in hobbies such as painting and music.

Research shows that caregivers with Parkinson’s disease have a high caregiver burden and can face emotional, social, physical and financial problems as a result.

Professor Doshi said caregivers also need to have their own personal time and maintain quality of life. “This can be done in many ways, such as working part-time, socializing, participating in personal hobbies, or taking a break.”

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