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US Coronavirus: Nearly 1 in 100 Americans test positive for Covid-19


The US has recorded more than 3.3 million cases of coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, according to Johns Hopkins University, And at least 135,205 Americans died. Worldwide, 12.9 million people have been diagnosed with the virus.
Despite another tough milestone, experts have often stressed that infectious diseases may be occurring, so US numbers may be just the tip of the iceberg 10 times higher than what is reported, Many are not tracked. New estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that almost 40% of infected Americans are symptomatic.
Across the United States, both local and state leaders say that in recent weeks, the new incidents have been largely caused by Americans who have opted to resume gatherings and bar trips. To Many states, The average age of new cases has declined, and more young people are more positive than ever since the beginning of the pandemic.

In Louisiana, authorities reported more than 1,300 new cases of coronavirus on Sunday-99% were widespread in the community and more than one-third were in people under the age of 29, authorities said. Stated. Governor John Bell Edwards announced Monday that the mask order would come into effect after the case turned up on Monday morning. Many of these new incidents have reached rallies, including informal backyard gatherings, the governor said.

After at least 36 outbreaks and over 400 cases have been traced back to bars in the state, the bars are also closed for onsite alcohol consumption.

Florida Virus Records Illustrate Growing Disaster of Early State Openings

Currently, at least 36 states have some sort of mask requirement ordering, and more than half of the states in the United States have suspended or rolled back their resumption plans to stop the spread of the virus, experts said. He says he has no control.

But US Surgeon Jerome Adams The country says it can reverse the case increase in “2 (to) 3 weeks”.
Hundreds of people celebrated the weekend of July 4th at Lake Michigan.  Now some have Covid-19

At Face the Nation on CBS, “Wearing too many people by wearing face coverings, increasing social distances over 6 feet and doing what we know to be effective” I said.

However, violent repulsions from many officials and residents have taken precautionary measures, and some governors are moving away from statewide mask orders. In Florida, because there is no state-wide mask obligation, Health officials reported astounding record of new cases on Sunday in a day: 15,300.
And in Atlanta, the mayor Attempted to bring the city back to the initial stages of resumption to combat the increase in incidents, the governor blamed the decision saying it was “It’s not binding and not legally enforceable.”

“This is everywhere”

Data from Johns Hopkins University show an increase in new cases in at least 35 states compared to the previous week. Nationwide, health officials are wary of the number of infected patients seeking medical attention.

In Miami Beach, the hospital is full, the mayor told CNN on Sunday night.

“We need to start moving our regular beds to ICU beds. At this point we are obviously nervous,” Mayor Dan Gelber said. “There is no perfect link between what is said to be happening in Washington and Tallahassee and what is happening here in some of these communities.”

Over the state, more than 7,500 patients were hospitalized for the virus, and state data indicated Sunday. Over 540 patients were hospitalized in Florida’s Orange County, where Disney World reopened over the weekend.

First Case of Coronavirus-Associated Inflammatory Syndrome Confirmed in a South Carolina Child

Carlos Jimenez, mayor of Miami Dade, said the virus has spread to local communities and hopes to increase the number of deaths, hoping that the people will play their part.

“For now, this is everywhere,” he said WPLG. “We have seen that the hospital beds and capacity are starting to deplete because there are so many people in the hospital.

“What we have to do is reduce that positive rate, so we don’t overburden Miami Dade County’s healthcare system and cause unnecessary death.”

Hundreds of people celebrated the weekend of July 4th at Lake Michigan.  Now some have Covid-19

In Los Angeles County, health officials reported more than 3,300 new cases on Sunday-the second highest daily case count last week. According to the authorities, nearly 2,100 people were hospitalized, which is “much more” than one month ago.

In Phoenix, the mayor said CNN health professionals were “already tired” and were worried about the additional strain on the hospital due to the July 4 vacation. I’m watching the use of record-breaking ventilators.

In an effort to prevent further spread, Mayor Kate Garrego said he would join other leaders across the state to call on the Governor to expand security measures in response to the virus.

Is it okay for the children to return to class?

Many parts of the country are torn apart about what is the right way, especially when it comes to schools.

Educators across the country have expressed strong opposition to students returning to school amid a surge of national incidents, but leaders, including the president and the secretary of education, have called returning children to class a priority. It was

President Donald Trump said last week he was pressing the governor to reopen his school. And on sunday Education Secretary Betsy Devos declined to clarify They did not provide reassurance as to whether the school district needed to follow the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and how teachers were protected.
The Secretary of Education will not say if the school needs to hear the CDC guidelines to reopen

“Children need to go back to school, and school leaders across the country need to make plans to do that,” she said. “There are exceptions to the rule. But the rule is that kids go back to school this fall. In places where there are few flare-ups or hotspots, we can deal with each school or school. Case by case. .”

Florida announced it Ask the school to restart next month. In Arkansas, the governor told CNN on Sunday that the first day of school will be from August 13 to August 24 to help teachers and parents comply with new regulations and ensure adequate PPE. Postponed to the week.

“I will concentrate on teaching in the classroom next year,” said Governor Asa Hutchinson. “But we know that an optional mixed environment is needed, as it’s a challenge if the community has a limited reach.”

Local leaders across the US have announced school schedule adjustments, but most governors have ceased to announce statewide changes and requirements.

CNN Hollie Silverman, Artemis Moshtaghian, Stella Chan, Kay Jones, and Mitch McCluskey contributed to this report.


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