Study Finds No Clear Evidence of Increased Internet Gaming Disorder During COVID-19 Pandemic
Research published in PLOS Journal of Public Health We investigated the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on internet gaming disorders in the general population.
study: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Internet Gaming Disorders in the General Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Image credit: sezer66/
The advent of low-cost high-speed Internet access technology, coupled with sophisticated smartphones, has led to an increase in Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) over the past two decades.
This may have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. A new paper explores this possibility through a survey and meta-analysis of studies dealing with IGD during the pandemic year.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many of our daily life activities such as socializing, teaching and shopping have moved to the online space.
Entertainment, which by that time was already abundantly available in the form of movies, videos and online games, was disgusted or detached from other forms of social interaction and physical recreation by millions. It has become a refuge for many people.
Internet games or online games are video games that must be played partially or wholly over a computer network.
It has seen exponential growth, with a reported nearly 3 billion gamers worldwide. Much of this increase occurred during COVID-19.
Why are internet games a problem?
Scientists say that moderate use of Internet games can be fun, reduce stress, and improve learning ability by sharpening cognitive skills.
However, when taken in excess, gaming can throw off musculoskeletal imbalance, cause depression and sleep deprivation, impair academic performance, interfere with optimal performance in these areas, and lead to dietary changes. . Additionally, it poses an addiction risk, can cause IGD, and reduce quality of life.
The American Psychiatric Association considers IGD to be…
…Persistent and repeated use of the Internet to participate in games, often with other players, resulting in clinically significant distress”
The current study evaluated the extent to which the pandemic has affected the prevalence of IGD. It provides data for appropriate interventions framed by individuals, private groups, and public policy makers for the prevention and treatment of this mental disorder.
What did the research show?
The researchers conducted 3 independent meta-analyses of 9 studies and a systematic review of 24 observational articles. Most of the participants were young, tended to use technology, and tended to rely on the internet like other addictive agents.
Young people are more likely to be socially isolated and lack the environmental restrictions that increase the risk of IGD.
A 2018 systematic review of East Asia showed that the highest prevalence of IGD was between 12 and 20 years of age.
One meta-analysis of three studies showed a prevalence of IGD of 8%, or more than 1 in 7 people in the population.
These studies were from three Asian countries involving nearly 3,000 subjects. Researchers suggest that this may indicate an increase in the prevalence of IGD during the pandemic in Southeast Asia.
A second study, comprising four studies, had a pooled mean of approximately 16.6, which did not meet the IGDS9-SF tool cutoff. These studies, from India, Italy, Iran, and Nepal, are highly heterogeneous, making the conclusions unreliable.
A third meta-analysis of the two studies compared the two groups and found no significant difference in the incidence of IGD before and after the pandemic.
Lack of standardized assessment tools, differences in tested populations, and differences in diagnostic criteria used make direct comparisons of IGD rates across countries difficult.
Notably, most of the studies included in the review are from China, which has seen a recent surge in internet gaming among young people and teenagers. We had gamers, most of them over the age of 18.
A previous study in Nanchong, China, found significant evidence of clinical IGD in one-tenth of male university students in the pre-pandemic year. Therefore, China has implemented several preventive and therapeutic interventions to adjust for this risk.
For example, children under the age of 18 are not allowed to play games outside of designated hours, and there are 250 centers for gaming detoxification and rehabilitation in the country.
What is the impact?
The current study did not support the hypothesis that the pandemic increased IGD rates. The strength of the conclusions is limited by the small number of studies, poor design, their significant heterogeneity, short follow-up and weak strength of evidence.
Most of the studies are from Asia, especially China, so they may not represent the whole picture.
A better understanding of IGD and its prevalence during times of stress such as the COVID-19 pandemic can better help individuals who rely on the internet and online games for entertainment and coping with stress. .”
Researchers are calling for better research to understand the current situation and assess risks so that IGD can be adequately addressed with appropriate interventions.
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