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This superfood may strengthen the intestinal lining and protect against disease

This superfood may strengthen the intestinal lining and protect against disease


Broccoli on a cutting board.Share on Pinterest
Eating broccoli may have even more health benefits than previously believed, according to new research.Cameron Whitman/Stocksey
  • Broccoli could be considered a superfood, according to researchers.
  • Superfoods are rich in nutrients and beneficial to your health.
  • We already know that sulfur compounds in broccoli can help prevent disease.
  • Now, new research shows that broccoli may help with intestinal barrier function in mice.
  • A healthy small intestine helps ensure that only the right things can pass through its walls.

Broccoli is one of those foods that most people know is good for you, and you probably should be eating more of it.

In fact, according to registered dietitian, author, and blogger Sharon Palmer, Nutritionist at Plant Power — Contains sulfur compounds that act as anti-inflammatory agents and lower the risk of inflammation. cancer and Heart disease.

and now Pennsylvania say they may qualify for super foodAccording to them, it has the potential ability to protect the intestinal lining, which may help prevent disease.

The authors note that the wall of the small intestine performs an important function of controlling what enters the body, allowing the passage of water and nutrients, while keeping out undigested food and bacteria. I’m here.

Broccoli may aid in this process because it contains specific molecules that can bind to receptor sites in the small intestine, helping to increase the barrier function of the intestinal wall.

The authors say that all cruciferous vegetables can be beneficial additions to our diet.

Various vegetables fall into this category, such as:

new researchPublished in Laboratory Investigation.

Binding to the receptor may affect the function of cells in the intestinal wall.

To investigate the effects of these molecules, a team of scientists fed a group of mice 15% broccoli. They note that this is about the same as a human ingesting his 3.5 cups of broccoli per day.

Control animals were fed normal chow.

An analysis was then performed on the tissue to ascertain to what extent the AHR was activated. They also looked at the number of different intestinal cell types and mucus concentrations.

Mice that did not eat broccoli had no AHR activity. This altered the intestinal barrier function, allowing food to pass through the small intestine faster and reducing the number of goblet cells (cells that secrete mucus) and mucus.

They also had fewer Paneth cells (cells that help maintain microbiome balance), lysosomes (cells that break down worn-out cells and bacteria), and enterocytes (cells that help absorb nutrients).

According to the authors, mice that weren’t fed broccoli had impaired gut health in ways known to be associated with disease.

As a result, they feel that broccoli and other similar foods are a natural source of AHR ligands that help keep the small intestine functioning healthy.

nutritionist Shereen Jegtvigco-author of “Superfoods for Dummies”, bridgeport university In Connecticut, superfoods are nutrient-rich foods considered particularly beneficial to health and well-being.

“They usually antioxidantvitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are important for maintaining good health and preventing disease,” she explains, adding that some examples of superfoods include berries, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, and whole foods. Grains, fish, legumes.

Broccoli is considered a superfood because it’s packed with nutrients essential for good health, Jegtvig said.

“It’s a treasure trove of vitamins. C. and K., fiberand folic acidIt also contains phytonutrients such as sulforaphane, which has been shown to have anti-cancer properties,” she explained.

Additionally, broccoli is low in calories and high in water, making it ideal for those looking to maintain a healthy weight.

Palmer recommends eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli at least a few times a week.

“Broccoli also goes well with many cultural diets… mediterranean sea In line with Asian eating patterns,” she added.

Finally, for those who are consuming more, Palmer plant based dietbroccoli can be a good source of plant-based calcium.




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