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Untreated hearing loss may increase dementia risk, says new study

Untreated hearing loss may increase dementia risk, says new study


Treating hearing loss could mean reducing the risk of dementia, according to new research. Lancet.Researchers has tracked over 437,000 people in the UK Biobank cohort, a large biomedical database and research resource that tracks residents over time. They looked at each person’s risk of dementia, their self-reported hearing aid use, and their medical records to see if they had developed dementia,” Shandong, China. “Our study shows that hearing aids are a minimally invasive and cost-effective way to reduce the potential impact of hearing loss on dementia,” said study leader Dongshan Zhu, a professor at the university, in a statement. It provides the best evidence to date to suggest that it may be a treatment.” The study accounted for other factors such as loneliness, social isolation, and depression, but not We found that therapeutic hearing loss is still strongly associated with dementia. The paper also explores some possible reasons for how hearing aids work, and tends to support the idea that hearing aids are effective in reducing cognitive effort. It either engages hearing or reduces the effects of sensory deprivation if you are deaf,” said Tom Denning, professor of dementia research at the University of Nottingham, UK, in a statement. I didn’t. The 2020 Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care suggested that hearing loss may be associated with about 8% of dementia cases, but this study found that hearing aid use increased the risk The results corroborate findings from a December meta-analysis published in JAMA Neurology, which found that hearing aids improved cognitive scores by 3% in the short term for deaf people. Video below: Bruce Willis diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. Inadequate use of hearing aids Denning, who said he recently started wearing hearing aids, said he hopes these findings will help improve patient care. Better to act, says Reese Hamlin, public policy director of the American Hearing Loss Association.” Hearing aids help people keep jobs, communicate better with family and friends at home, and be more active in their communities. Karina De Sousa is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Speech Language Pathology and Hearing at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She was the lead author of a new study looking at commercially available hearing aids. “There are many potential reasons why people choose not to get hearing aids, but one issue was the accessibility and affordability of hearing aids. of hearing aids can be as good an option as those fitted by an audiologist. The decision to allow hearing aids to be purchased online or in-store without cost,” De Sousa added in an email. The American Hearing Loss Association still supports multiple avenues to address hearing loss, Hamlin “These devices are very new,” Hamlin said. “I’m very happy to hear that at least this one tested device (in a study) offers such benefits.” Whether you need hearing aids and what to look for in hearing aids, you should ask your doctor before buying. It will help determine the question. ’ De Souza added. “If you do not meet certain criteria for wearing OTC hearing aids, we recommend that you seek help from a qualified hearing aid professional.”

Treating hearing loss could mean reducing the risk of dementia, according to new research.

Hearing loss can increase the risk of However, because hearing aid use reduced the risk, similar to people without hearing loss, A study published Thursday in The Lancet.

Researchers followed a cohort of more than 437,000 people. UK Biobank, a large biomedical database and research resource that tracks residents over time. The study said it looked at each person’s risk of dementia, self-reported hearing aid use, and medical records to see if they had developed dementia.

“Hearing loss may be the most influential modifiable risk factor for middle-aged dementia,” said study director Dongshan Zhu, a professor at Shandong University in China, in a statement. Evidence is building. “Our study shows that hearing aids may be a minimally invasive and cost-effective treatment to reduce the potential impact of hearing loss on dementia.” We provide the best evidence to date to suggest.”

The study accounted for other factors such as loneliness, social isolation, and depression, but found that untreated hearing loss was still strongly associated with dementia.

“This paper also explores some of the possible reasons for how hearing aids work, and because hearing aids reduce the cognitive effort associated with hearing and/or reduce the effects of sensory deprivation, hearing aids There is a tendency[to support]the idea that is effective in hearing,” said Tom Denning, professor of dementia research at the University of Nottingham, UK, in a statement. I wasn’t involved in the research.

The 2020 Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care suggested that hearing loss may be associated with about 8% of dementias, but this study found that hearing aid use We found that the risk was reduced to a level similar to that of people without hearing loss. .

The results confirm the findings of the December survey. Meta-analysis published in JAMA Neurology Hearing-impaired people wearing hearing aids improved their cognitive scores by 3% in the short term.

Video below: Bruce Willis diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. what is that?

Underuse of hearing aids

Denning, who said he recently started wearing hearing aids, these discoveries Help him take better care of his patients.

“We need to use research like this to urge the public not to be embarrassed by hearing loss and to seek evaluation and treatment sooner or later,” he said.

For both hearing loss and dementia, the sooner action is taken, the better, says Reese Hamlin, director of public policy for the American Hearing Loss Association.

“Early adoption of hearing aids allows people to continue working, communicate better with family and friends at home, and remain actively involved in their communities,” she said.

Many adults need hearing aids, but they are underused. She was the lead author of a new study on commercially available hearing aids.

“A recent study found that only 15% of US adults with hearing loss use hearing aids,” says De Sousa. “There are many possible reasons why people choose not to buy hearing aids, but one issue is the availability and affordability of hearing aids.”

more accessible options

But De Sousa’s research shows hope that accessibility will improve.

In this small preliminary study, Published in the journal JAMA on Thursday Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery has found that self-fitting over-the-counter hearing aids may be just as good an option as hearing aids fitted by an audiologist.

The result is of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration August Decision to Allow Hearing for People with Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss buy hearing aids online Or over-the-counter without a prescription.

“The FDA’s establishment of an over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid category opens up new options for people with hearing loss,” De Sousa added in an email.

According to Hamlin, the American Hearing Loss Association still supports multiple avenues for addressing hearing loss.

While some people may be able to find hearing aids that fit them over-the-counter, others may need help from a medical professional.

“These devices are very new,” said Hamlin. “At least this he is very happy to hear that one tested device (in the study) offers such an advantage.”

Still, she encourages using her organization’s online resources to help determine if you need hearing aids, what to look for in hearing aids, and questions to ask your doctor. — BEFORE YOU BUY.

“One thing to remember is that OTC hearing aids are not a one-size-fits-all option,” added De Sousa. “If you do not meet certain criteria for wearing OTC hearing aids, we recommend that you seek help from a qualified hearing aid professional.”




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