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Mornington Peninsula has fewer COVID cases than the free people of Geelong but remains blocked


When the citizens of the Peninsula Freeway drive to Mornington, the huge smoke makes a long journey.

Located 57 km south of Melbourne and known for its “town” vibe, it is the gateway to Victoria’s most expensive beachside homes.

The drive to Mornington involves a large stretch of farmland, orchards, and strange wineries.

Lalahau Portsea, an employee of a local Portsea coffee shop, was overwhelmed by people from Melbourne over the weekend

Mornington people need to drink coffee and leave after being off-limits to Melbourne

Peninsula residents need to eliminate coffee and beer

The location is on the 192 km coastline and 70% of the land is classified as a “green wedge”.

A large display along the road tells visitors that they are not in an urban area Melbourne

Until recently, many citizens of the peninsula believed that the signs were real.

It was until they were locked up with the rest of Melbourne

Victoria taped another stunning tally on Monday, recording 177 brand new cases of COVID-19 overnight.

Currently, there are 1,612 active cases of infection in Victoria, with 72 in health care facilities suffering from COVID-19. 17 of them have been extensively treated.

Located directly across from the Mornington Peninsula, across the town of Port Phillip Bay, the town of Geelong and its seaside remain free.

Last week, Daily Mail Australia observed people in “G Town” enjoying freedom.

In Geelong, the store remains open and people have free access to beer and coffee.

In Portsea, the peninsula’s proposal allows residents to sit on a pier and see ferry boats from the free lands of Queenscliff Motors across the bay.

Practice usually takes place in the famous Portsea Hotel’s beer garden, but beachside beers are served for a minimum of 6 weeks.

At Queenscliff, residents can still be delighted with pints and punts in the area.

Rapier is almost completely empty on Monday. The place is as tightly blocked as any other part of Melbourne.

A popular street in Portsea is empty. You can see a group of people who are socially separated in the local pastry shop

Social network people have actually revealed the disappointment that the Mornington Peninsula is actually still an international Melbourne zone

Residents attacked social networks asking why they would have to pay local taxes at the Australian Post if they were in the Cosmopolitan Zone

In Geelong, about 75 km southwest of central Melbourne, COVID-19 contaminated 73 people and had five active cases.

On the Mornington Peninsula in the southeast, there are 64 confirmed cases and no active cases.

The Mornington Peninsula remains a rampage while Geelong continues to push the pandemic.

On Monday, Daily Mail Australia checked out municipalities along the peninsula in the same way as Portsea.

Last week, the seaside town along the Surf Coast on the “free side” of the bay was vibrant.

Too many activities, Loan residents complained.

Like Portsea, Lone has many villas, which were flooded when Prime Minister Andrews recently revealed the blockade.

When the pandemic first began in Victoria, Portsea residents were angry that they were actually brought from vacation residents to their neighborhood.

At that time, citizens were teeing off at the “Colorado Cluster,” showing signs around the seaside town, pointing out that they were actually in Aspen and had caught the infection.

On Monday, Portsea was dead.

Residents of Portsea on the Mornington Peninsula are angry that they were actually blocked while Geelong was open.

Popular points in the Mornington Peninsula National Park Nepean Road

Panther through the opportunity at Portsea Polo in January. Portsea is Melbourne’s rich and famous playground and was involved in spreading the infection in March

The free land of Queenscliff is on the horizon and can be seen from Portsey’s suggestion

The weekend was a lot of talk, Daily Mail Australia was informed.

A woman working at a coffee shop told Daily Mail Australia that she understood why the prime minister actually closed their town.

“The people who have villas here really boiled down,” she said. “The infection was brought in. Some people are always going to do the wrong thing.”

The others are still totally mad.

“This was the quietest week,” said another shopkeeper. Most people in the town do not live here. They came here to escape Melbourne. “

A woman who declared that the Melvernans actually started a lease at Portsea to escape the severe blockade in Melbourne.

Mayor Sam Hahn of the Mornington Peninsula told Daily Mail Australia that there were far more people than usual last weekend.

Hahn said Melbourne people would continue to enter the city while Melbourne was classified as urban.

“That’s our main issue. Due to the existence of laws and restrictions, technically anyone can play golf, fish and more from Werribee (opposite Port Phillip Bay) to Sorrento. ..

According to Hearne, the Mornington Peninsula was currently one of the hardest hit areas in Melbourne due to its preliminary blockade.

The location is popular among Australians who go to Melbourne for access to fine restaurants and wineries as well as the beach.

Police actually put obstacles in place to prevent “blow-ins” from going and Loan Portsea citizens want to keep the vacation home structure as well

Loans have recently been on the rise with people because they overlooked the demand that they stay home

Loan companies may still endure the COVID-19 crisis. Companies in the Mornington Peninsula stress that they don’t

Monday was an empty Portsea, but residents say it’s chaotic with the Melbernians who actually ventured into the villa during the lockdown

Mornington was peaceful in COVIDlockdown Monday. Business owners were frustrated that they actually consisted of urban lockdowns and Geelong wasn’t

‘Think in order of priority… first is a health hazard, that is a travel hazard, and second is the immediate problem, the actual active case If not, and because of the high prevalence of the city, if we could be in exactly the same position as Surf Coast, Phillip Island, Geelong, our company would be a little better,” Khan said.

The mayor is considered by many citizens, who are currently estimated to have classified the place as rural.

“They say, “Well, you’re classifying us as metropolitans, which is a bit different from their community perceptions and peninsular identities,” he said.

On Monday, towns along the peninsula, such as Rosebud and Blairgowrie, seemed busy.

The famous Portsea Hotel is closed on Mondays, unlike Geelong’s bar, which is closed due to a strict lockdown.

Beer-free bar: Portsea Hotel on Monday

At Blairgowrie, it may seem that older Australians are gathering and enjoying coffee while not having distance problems.

Rosebud company owner Tony Goff told Daylong Mail Australia that he should have the ability to be as open as the people of Geelong.

Gough’s travel bus company Amour Of The Grape had to be closed again, despite the absence of active cases of COVID at the location.

“We don’t have any cases, so why are we locked in,” he said.

The unrestricted reality of Geelong, flanked by Wyndham’s COVID hotspot and 196 active cases, is rubbing more salt on the injured.

“We can’t get cash for funding. It’s not considered part of Melbourne in terms of facility costs. Take advantage of the transportation options that other parts of the lockdown have You can’t,” said Gough.

“We can’t even get cash to stop all traffic on the Jetty Road Mornington Peninsula Freeway overpass, but Geelong has earned millions in the arena.”

Mr Goff said the town does not have a deal with the Melbernian yet, but it does.

“If at least the peninsula is open, we’ll be able to bring some people out. Residents will head out and wineries will be open,” he said. “It may not be many companies, but it will be at least some.”

Mornington Peninsula town of Mount Martha was the busiest Monday

Dolomanas along the peninsula were unmanned during the COVID blockade on Monday

Empty Dolomana Beach Monday Monday It consists of a tough lockdown despite no active cases


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