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A Case of Rare Fungal Infection Associated with a Michigan Paper Mill

A Case of Rare Fungal Infection Associated with a Michigan Paper Mill


According to the local health department, Delta and Menominee counties in Michigan have confirmed 97 confirmed or probable cases of blastomycosis, associated with a paper mill in the town of Escanaba. It is believed that there are Outbreak: Escanaba A contractor who until recently died of blastomycosis he worked at the Bireldo Paper Mill. said Brian Peterson, Vice President of Operations, Escanaba Billerud Paper Mill. “Anyone who works at our facility is part of our team and we hold this individual, his family, colleagues and friends in our hearts and close to our hearts. According to the Centers for Control and Prevention, especially in moist soils and decomposition products such as wood and leaves. In the states where it is reported, there are only 1 or 2 cases per 100,000 people each year.One analysis found 1,216 deaths related to the disease from 1990 to 2010. People are more likely to die from these diseases. They can breathe in the microscopic fungal spores and most don’t get sick, but some people develop symptoms like fever and cough three weeks to three months later, CDC says.Public Health Delta County and Other symptoms include chest pain, difficulty breathing, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, and muscle and joint pain, according to Menominee County.In rare cases, the infection spreads outside the lungs to the skin, bones, brain, or spinal cord. Blastomycosis is not spread from person to person.It may need to be taken for periods ranging from 6 months to 1 year, depending on the severity of the disease and the person’s general health. Twenty-one of the plant-related cases have been confirmed by culture or microscopy, and 76 others are probable, who have symptoms of blastomycosis. All cases were either factory employees, contractors or visitors, officials said. is..

Delta and Menominee counties in Michigan have confirmed 97 confirmed or probable cases of blastomycosis. local health centerand they are believed to be associated with the paper mills in the town of Escanaba.

One death is associated with the outbreak. Until recently, a contractor who worked at the Escanaba Billerud paper mill died of blastomycosis.

“We are saddened to hear this news. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families, friends and colleagues who have lost loved ones,” County Health Officer Michael Snyder said in a news release.

said Brian Peterson, Vice President of Operations, Escanaba Billerud Paper Mill. “Anyone who works at our facility is part of our team and we keep this individual, his family, colleagues and friends in our hearts and close to our hearts.

blastomycosis According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the fungus is caused by Blastomyces, a fungus that lives in the environment, especially moist soils and decomposition products such as wood and leaves. It is found primarily in the Midwest and South, especially around the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and the Great Lakes.

States where blastomycosis is a reportable condition have only one or two cases per 100,000 people each year, according to the CDC. One analysis found that from 1990 to 2010, he had 1,216 deaths related to the disease.

People can inhale these microscopic fungal spores, and most of them don’t get sick, although some people develop symptoms such as fever and cough after three weeks to three months.Public Health Delta County and Menominee County, other symptoms include chest pain, difficulty breathing, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, and muscle and joint pain. Rarely, the infection spreads outside the lungs to other places such as the skin, bones, brain, and spinal cord.

Blastomycosis does not spread from person to person. It is treated with antifungal medications that must be taken for periods ranging from six months to a year, depending on the severity of the disease and the person’s overall health.

Twenty-one of the factory-related cases were confirmed by culture or microscopy, and the remaining 76 probably had symptoms of blastomycosis, meaning they tested positive for antigens or antibodies, the health department said. rice field. 12 people were hospitalized. All cases are either factory employees, contractors or visitors, officials said.

“Although the source of the infection has not been identified, we take this matter very seriously and follow the recommendations from health and government officials to protect the health and safety of our employees, contractors and visitors. We are taking a number of proactive steps to address this issue,” Peterson said in a statement from the Ministry of Health.

On Thursday, the company announced a “temporary idling” of the Escanaba plant for additional cleaning.




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