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covid-19 Key therapeutic interventions to mitigate the adverse effects of pandemics, Health News, ET HealthWorld


covid-19 Key therapeutic interventions to mitigate the adverse effects of pandemicsBy Dr. Prathap Kumar N

As part of a guideline issued to detail the disease trajectory of COVID-19 As a survivor, the National Health Commission of China (NHC) says that recovered patients may suffer from adverse health effects. China’s leading medical institutions say long-term damage to internal organs may be the definitive sequela of the novel coronavirus.

Patient recovered from Pandemic It is increasingly vulnerable to heart and lung damage, physical immobility resulting from loss of muscle movement, and psychological illness in the post-covid-19 stage.

A study published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine in mid-May found that covid-19 could lead to long-term heart disease. Even covid-19 patients with no previous history of heart problems are known to develop heart problems such as arrhythmias, strokes, heart attacks, and myocardial inflammation. It is also estimated that drugs such as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Remdesivir used to treat covid-19 may aggravate existing heart disease and, in some cases, heart condition. I will.

Patients with severe covid-19 infection noticed medical fraternity at an increased risk of developing kidney disease. There was an example of a non-elderly patient suffering from the new coronavirus suffering from acute kidney injury (AKI). Also called acute renal failure (ARF), it is a clinical outcome in which the function of the kidney can be suddenly or suddenly stopped.

The majority of adults who develop AKI as a sequela of covid-19 may have no history of medical illness. Covid-19 patients who report abnormally high levels of blood or protein in their urine are more likely to have end-stage renal disease than those without coronavirus symptoms. Also, patients with low levels of immunity due to comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension are at increased risk of getting covid-19.

Prolonged sedentary life can adversely affect the physiological health of the general population in the long run. For covid-19 patients who require long hospital stays and home detention, there is a high risk of lack of exercise and can lead to chronic health conditions.

Patients suffering from covid-19 are most likely to suffer from muscle wasting (muscle wasting), which can also cause disability and overall loss of health. It should be noted here that patients with neuromuscular disorders such as muscular dystrophy are at increased risk of developing covid-19.

Apart from physiological stress, survivors of covid-19 are more likely to suffer psychological disorders. Negative self-projection, coordination problems, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidal tendencies may appear in patients who recover from a pandemic.

The overwhelming emphasis is on rebuilding the strength and resilience of covid-19 survivors through regular community interactions. In the post-hospital stage, the recovered patient should follow a routine exercise routine under medical supervision to ensure that the body is mobile and active. They should not be subject to any prejudice and should be treated like ordinary people. Therapeutic interventions in the form of regular physiotherapy sessions to regain muscle movement and regular counseling to regain psychological trust are key to mitigating covid-19’s long-term adversity ..

(Author is CMD and Chief Interventional Cardiologist at Meditrina Group of Hospitals)

Disclaimer: The expressed views are solely that of the author and does not necessarily agree. is not responsible for any damages caused directly or indirectly to any individual/organization.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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