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Is your chest pain a heart attack or heartburn? How to tell the difference?

Is your chest pain a heart attack or heartburn? How to tell the difference?


I have seen many patients come urgently with heart problems and need immediate medical or surgical intervention mainly because they could not understand if it was really a heart problem or acidity, gas or reflux. An important diagnostic window was lost in this dilemma. Given that Indians eat heavy meals at odd hours, many of them are prone to acid reflux and heartburn, which can be a problem especially at night. Most Indians are at higher risk of heart disease than any other population, already have blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, are overweight and Given that they may have a family history of heart disease, this high-risk group is critical to the importance of medical referral. In particular, because of the low level of medical awareness, most patients forfeit the benefits of dealing with heart problems during prime hour for the simple reason that they mistake the pain of a heart attack or angina pectoris for a gas attack. Become. This increases the risk of heart tissue complications and scarring.

Could heartburn be a sign of a heart attack?

Chest pain may not be classically on the left side. A heart attack usually presents as pain in the left arm or left chest area. But sometimes it manifests as what is called “referred pain.” This is pain felt in a part of the body distant from the source of the pain. Therefore, some heart attacks can manifest as pain anywhere in the upper torso, such as the back, neck, jaw, teeth, shoulders, or behind the breastbone. It can even cause you to sweat. You might think it’s heartburn, but it could be due to reduced blood flow to the heart due to angina, or an actual heart attack due to a blocked artery. In fact, heartburn, angina, and heart attack are very similar. You can’t tell the difference just by looking at the physical symptoms. But if symptoms persist, are unusual, seem like you’ve never had them before, and last longer than 15 minutes, head to a hospital emergency room for tests to rule out a heart attack.

Why Testing Matters

Most people go to a GP, but they may not ask for an ECG on the spot. In fact, some doctors don’t. But detailed research hastened the diagnosis, and the combination of symptoms confuses even doctors. Even if symptoms appear to have dulled or subsided, the doctor should check the patient’s medical history to see if acidity or gastrointestinal problems were previous problems. and exclude risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, dietary patterns, obesity, and family history of illness. Once this profile has been confirmed, the physician should assess the patient at the first point of contact and request a study. For example, if a 35-year-old smoker with cholesterol and diabetes showed up complaining of gas, I would definitely recommend a test and watch him for a few hours before dismissing him. Until proven, these overlapping symptomatic cases should be treated with the same urgency as cardiac cases. Not very useful for assessing impact, but can be used to remove suspicion in such cases.

What should I do if I have persistent chest pain and I don’t know what is causing it?

Go to the hospital emergency room and get an electrocardiogram. Even if unexplained chest pain you’ve never had before goes away within a few hours, see your doctor. Both heartburn and an ongoing heart attack can cause symptoms that subside after some time. It is an index of things that are sexual.

How do you know you have heartburn or stomach acid?

Heartburn is discomfort or actual pain caused by the movement of digestive acids into the esophagus or esophagus. It is characterized by a burning sensation and discomfort in the chest and upper abdomen. Symptoms usually appear after a heavy meal and can be managed with antacids. It may be accompanied by reflux. But if the discomfort is stubborn and makes you feel restless or anxious, test yourself.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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