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YouTube announces new policy on eating disorders

YouTube announces new policy on eating disorders


On Tuesday, YouTube announced a series of changes to how it handles content related to eating disorders. The platform has long removed content that glorifies or promotes eating disorders. YouTube’s Community Guidelines also prohibit content that features behavior such as post-meal nausea or nausea. Extreme calorie counting that at-risk users may be encouraged to imitate. For videos featuring such “mimicable behavior” in the context of recovery, YouTube allows the content to remain on the site, but restricts it to users over the age of 18 who are logged into the site. In consultation with the National Eating Disorders Association and other nonprofits, Garth Graham, YouTube’s global head of healthcare, said in an interview with CNN, “YouTube is committed to helping communities recover while continuing to protect their viewers.” and to make room for resources.” We’re thinking about how to stick the needle in terms of important conversations and information that people might have,” Graham said. The change came as social media his platform came under increasing scrutiny for its impact on the mental health of its users, especially young people. In 2021, lawmakers accused Instagram and YouTube of promoting accounts featuring content depicting extreme weight loss and dieting to younger users. TikTok also faced criticism from an online safety group who claimed the app offered eating disorder-related content to her teen (although the platform opposed the investigation). . YouTube has also made several updates in recent years about how it handles misinformation about medical issues like abortion and vaccines. YouTube will not only remove or age-restrict some videos, but will also add panels directing viewers to crisis resources related to eating disorders. The content he has been deployed in 9 countries with plans to expand to more regions. If a creator’s video is taken down for violating their eating disorder policy, Graham said YouTube would send him resources on how to create content that is less likely to harm other viewers. It says it will. But enforcing it is a challenge that YouTube may face in determining, for example, which videos drive recovery. YouTube plans to roll out policy enforcement globally in the coming weeks, using both human and automated moderation to review videos and their context. , you have to be thoughtful to understand that you have to be proactive…it took me a while to get here because there are different layers and I wanted to clarify the process by which I understood the challenge . ”

On Tuesday, YouTube announced a series of changes to how it handles content related to eating disorders.

Platforms have long removed content that glorifies or promotes eating disorders. YouTube’s Community Guidelines also prohibit content that features behaviors such as post-meal emptying or extreme calorie counting that at-risk users may mimic. For videos featuring such “mimicable behaviors” in the context of recovery, Youtube Allow content to remain on the site, but restricted to users over the age of 18 who are logged into the site.

Policy changes, developed in consultation with the National Eating Disorders Association and other nonprofits, ensure “YouTube continues to protect its viewers while allowing space for community recovery and resources.” YouTube’s global head of healthcare, Garth Graham, told CNN. interview.

“We’re thinking about how to stick a needle in terms of the essential conversations and information that people might have,” Graham said. Information … also works as a trigger. ”

Change Comes When Social Media Platforms Face Increased scrutiny About the impact on mental health of users, especially young people. In 2021, lawmakers speak up Instagram YouTube promotes accounts featuring content depicting extreme weight loss and dieting to younger users. TikTok has also faced criticism from online safety groups. claimed The app offered eating disorder-related content to teenagers (although the platform opposed the investigation). We also follow some recent updates on how YouTube handles things. misinformation About medical issues such as abortion vaccination.

In addition to removing or age-restricting some videos, YouTube plans to add panels under eating disorder-related content in nine countries that direct viewers to resources in crisis, and more We have plans to expand to the region. If a creator’s video is removed for violating our eating disorder policy, Graham said YouTube will send the creator resources on how to create content that is less likely to harm other viewers. .

However, as with many social media policies, the challenge is often not implementing it, but enforcing it. For example, the challenges YouTube may face in determining which videos drive recovery. YouTube plans to roll out policy enforcement globally in the coming weeks, using both human and automated moderation to review videos and their context.

“These are complex social public health [issues]Mr Graham said: I understand the challenge. ”




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