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Australian billionaire Mike Cannonbrooks suggests NSW blockade in coronavirus rise


Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannonbrooks proposed “the unavoidable” second blockade in NSW, happening “today” because he threatened to re-emerge the coronavirus in the state. Insisted that it be better.

Using the notion of compound interest, he discusses his claim to recent figures, and software company millionaires and co-founders also suggest building a “special facility” to extend quarantine to three weeks. did.

A few days after the “Climate Change Warrior” said it was the best time ever to adopt clean stuff Huge post-employment energy policy due to pandemicStarted proposing renewable energy, Million Jobs Plan, Sponsored by former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Relation: Billionaires invest “huge opportunities” in the economy

Relation: “Magic Number” Case Leads NSW to Lockdown

Relation: NSW Pub restricts customers under crackdown

Cannon-Brookes tweeted Monday night that NSW’s return to lockdown could be “necessary”, shutting it down now rather than waiting for a surge of infections or a devastating economy. It’s not a hassle”.

Cannon-Brookes was announced by scientists at King’s College London, The virus lasts only a few weeks..

“If COVID-19 resistance doesn’t last long (latest study)… Aus needs to aim for cross-border elimination (suppression is a slow failure),” he wrote in a Twitter thread.

“So should NSW be locked down now?”

Cannon-Brookes agreed that the situation would “worse”, but argued that it would be easier to block the state with fewer cases than to wait for the virus to explode and face the disaster.

“If the blockade is unavoidable, the most annoying thing begins today,” he said.

“Locking down before 25 cases/day gives a much shorter time (lockdown) than 200 cases a day, like a VIC. And 25-200 weeks is less than a week.”

Cannon-Brookes is reported to have more than $17 billion in net worth due to Atlassian’s role as co-founder, Extensive list of Australia..

NSW revealed on Monday that 21 cases of COVID-19 are currently linked in the cluster Crossroads Hotel By noon, eight more cases were reported.

In addition, the locations of COVID-19-positive cases during the period of possible or potential infection between late June and early July were further identified.

“It’s essential that we all take the risk of infection very seriously and take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” said the NSW Health statement.

that is The New South Wales Government will announce new restrictions on pubs, clubs and casinos While pub patrons and companies can’t contain spreads.

The change reduces the size of group bookings from 20 to 10.

Larger pubs and clubs are limited to 300 users due to tighter regulations.

Cannon-Brookes said a 40% reduction was reported in the daily cases where the states were blocked earlier rather than daily, noting that it “has the lowest overall economic cost.”

“It should be clear-the physical boundaries of Australia are a big advantage here. Our island will be great help!” he wrote.

“We say that the rolling restraint strategy (no endurance and no long-term health effects) has a higher economic cost for one year than the hard lockdown strategy.”

According to Jeremy C. Miller, the author of the book, he cited American investor and business tycoon Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett Basic Rules“The most powerful factor behind his successful investment is Compound interest“.

“We say that the rolling restraint strategy (no endurance and no long-term health effects) has a higher economic cost for one year than the hard lockdown strategy.”

Many restrictions related to coronavirus have been lifted NSW on July 1It also includes a limit on the number of patrons, pubs, cafes and restaurants. Pubs, cafes and restaurants can be kept as long as one person sits in every 4 square meters.

These limits lasted for two weeks.

NSW police aide Scott Cook said he was disappointed with the “rogue behavior” of those who violate the rules of social separation.

“We’ve come a long way in a really difficult situation, but you can see from the action we take quickly in connection with the breach in Jindabyne, we will continue to do that,” he said. He said.

“Let’s be very clear about this. The warning time has gone by too long. The morale of the dance party people has to stop and we continue to look for these people and when appropriate, Take action.

“The time for warning has passed, and that is our defense as a community. Here we all are responsible for our actions and we need to take this seriously.”

Epidemiology and World Health Organization adviser Mary Louise McCrow said there are “many” “active cases” that overwhelm NSW’s health authorities and prevent effective behavior tracking.

she said last week If you reach 100 cases in 14 days (not including travelers returning to the quarantine), the cases can double and triple beyond that.

NSW Prime Minister Gladys Vegekrian warned that the Victorian incident is “very likely” to cross the border.

“We monitor the situation daily and don’t want anyone to be alert if something needs to change over the next few days to weeks. It’s still possible, and it’s made. I want to do that, and it’s very clear,” she said.

For the time being, she said that everyone in New South Wales should be “on alert.”

[email protected] | Yuta


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