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Depression and anxiety are often the first signs of Parkinson’s disease

Depression and anxiety are often the first signs of Parkinson’s disease


Vikas Channin (right) and his wife (left).Share on Pinterest
When Vikas Channin (right) suddenly started feeling lethargic and depressed, he sought treatment for his mental health issues. He didn’t know they were early signs of Parkinson’s disease. Image credit: Vikas Channin
  • Up to 50% of people with Parkinson’s disease experience depression and up to 40% experience anxiety.
  • Despite the prevalence of mental illness among people with Parkinson’s disease, only 2% were referred to a mental health professional.
  • For people with Parkinson’s disease, prioritizing mental health is just as important as physical health.

When Vikas Channin found out he Parkinson’s disease I turned 45 in February 2022 and was shocked and relieved at the same time.

“I can explain the depression and apathy I was going through, and I have some hope in combating them with medication and exercise and diet,” he told Healthline.

Several years before her diagnosis, Chanin began experiencing physical symptoms characteristic of Parkinson’s disease. This includes long-lasting stiffness and leg pain that makes it difficult to walk.

In 2021, he will trembling on his right arm.After visiting doctors over the next few months, DaTscan showed he had Parkinson’s disease.

Aside from physical symptoms, this diagnosis explained the symptoms of cognitive impairment and mental health he was experiencing in the years leading up to 2022.

“[I] It wasn’t as clear-cut as it used to be…and then there were levels of depression and withdrawal, much of which stemmed from the mobility challenges I was having,” Chanin said.

For example, I stopped going to lunch with co-workers because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep up with my two-block walk. He also withdrew from social activities outside of his work.

“When my wife asked me if I wanted a friend, I used to say ‘absolutely’. Who should we get? But my response was, ‘If you want, I’m fine with that, but I’m indifferent.”

he feels his own depression And withdrawing from the exhaustion of dealing with the physical symptoms he was experiencing, not knowing what was causing him, he made numerous visits to doctors and physical therapists in hopes of relief.

He started seeing a therapist about a year before his diagnosis, but it wasn’t until he was diagnosed that he learned about his relationship with Parkinson’s disease. indifference (feeling apathetic or lack of interest) and mental health conditions anxiety and depression.

according to Parkinson Foundationup to 50% of people with Parkinson’s disease experience depression, up to 40% experience anxiety, and about 40% experience apathy.

The Parkinson Foundation says mental health challenges aren’t just a reaction to a Parkinson’s diagnosis, they’re part of the disease itself, caused by chemical changes in the brain.

Naomi Torres-McKeeThis makes sense given the neurotransmitters involved in Parkinson’s disease, depressive disorders, and anxiety disorders.

“Each has a common origin and there are comorbidities. [Parkinson’s], depression and anxiety. It is understood that an imbalance between acetylcholine and dopamine leads to Parkinson’s disease, as dopaminergic pathways degenerate.

The involuntary movements characteristic of Parkinson’s disease are typically low-level consequences. dopamine In my head, she added.

“This neurotransmitter plays an important role not only in movement and coordination, but also in mood. Low levels of dopamine are also present in patients with depression and anxiety disorders. You may then experience depressive and/or anxiety symptoms before or at the same time as the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.

In fact, depression, anxiety, or apathy are often early signs of the disease, with mood symptoms appearing earlier than other Parkinson’s symptoms.

“More specifically, research shows that some people experience anxiety and depression two to five years before being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease,” she said.

However, the Parkinson Foundation data Parkinson’s Outcomes Project Only 2% of referrals to mental health professionaland the potential for underdiagnosis and undertreatment of anxiety and depression in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

Elena Godfrey, a Parkinson Foundation licensed clinical social worker, said historically, adequate Parkinson’s care meant the best possible management of motor symptoms.

“Fortunately, Parkinson’s patients are adding their voice to the conversation and redefining what it means to get the right Parkinson’s treatment,” she told Healthline. Appropriate care for Parkinson’s disease includes assessing, talking about, and addressing non-motor symptoms and overall health, as symptoms are known to have the greatest impact on a person’s quality of life. is needed.”

All aspects of Parkinson’s disease need to be considered not only by health care providers, but also family and friends of people with Parkinson’s disease, Torres-Mackie said.

“Understanding the impact on mental health [Parkinson’s] It can greatly extend the abilities of those who have [Parkinson’s] It’s a diagnosis for living a full and satisfying life,” she said.

Vikas Channin (left) and family.Share on Pinterest
Vikas Channin (left) with his wife and family. Image credit: Vikas Channin

Two weeks before being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, Channin started taking antidepressants under the supervision of a therapist.

“Between antidepressants, diagnostic answers, and Parkinson’s drugs, I was in a much better place post-diagnosis than pre-diagnosis,” he said.

Taking care of his mental health requires as much attention as taking care of his physical health.

mental health is a constant battle, and with Parkinson’s it’s really easy for the world to get closer to you. or going to concerts. There are off periods when you feel like you may need extra help when the medication isn’t working as well,” said Chanin.

he keeps looking therapist Regularly to help him cope.

He also looks to five key strategies for self-managing physical and mental symptoms:

  1. adherence to medications prescribed to him
  2. eat healthy diet
  3. exercise such as cycling rocksteady boxing
  4. give priority to the good sleep hygiene
  5. During practice stress relief

Additionally, he finds solace in speaking up for others with Parkinson’s disease.

“In my case, bringing people into my world was my way of fighting that world approaching. I started a campaign to let people know what I was dealing with. I did,” said Chanin.

A Parkinson Foundation representative visited one of his. boxing A class talking about fundraising. Channin felt participating would allow her to share her diagnosis with her family and friends.

“I started building a network of support and people kept me going. I started asking him to come out and meet me and get some fresh air. mental health,” He said.

He wanted to give back to others the support he received, so he shifted from working as an executive at a software technology company to doing outreach in the Parkinson’s community.

“[It] Everyone seems to experience some level of depression before and after their diagnosis. If you’re on the other side of that, I think so Chanin said.

Godfrey said people with Parkinson’s can stay mentally healthy, but it takes effort.

“We rarely turn to mental and emotional health. is. self treatment,” she said.

Basic self-care concepts such as quality sleep, healthy eating, exercise, and stress reduction are all important, as is maintaining social activity.

“It is very important to engage in thoughts and activities that bring meaning and purpose to your life. Spend them on the people and activities that matter most to you.

If you are taking medication for mental health conditions, it is best to seek treatment from a psychiatrist who understands Parkinson’s disease or who can work with a neurologist.

Additionally, you can get additional support by turning to the following resources provided by the Parkinson’s Foundation:

  • Parkinson Foundation website includes expert briefings, podcasts, fact sheets, videos, webinars, and more on mental health topics.
  • The Parkinson Foundation Helpline (1-800-473-4636) welcomes calls from people with Parkinson’s disease, their families, friends and health care providers and provides information on all aspects of Parkinson’s disease. support.
  • PD Conversation A place to connect with people living with illness.

“[There are many] The more options you have and the more resources you look at and how you can focus on your own mental health and wellbeing, the more likely you are to understand what works for you,” said God. Free said.




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