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An overview of real-life pregnancy experiences of mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic

An overview of real-life pregnancy experiences of mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic


In a recent study published in midwifery journalresearchers aimed to understand mothers’ experience of pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Study: study: “Fear and anxiety are what I remember most.”: A phenomenological survey of mothers’ experience of pregnancy during COVID-19 in the United States. Image Credit: MMVieira/


During the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, pregnancy experience is impacted by restrictions on routine physical health care and expected interactions with family, friends, and other supporters. often received

A recent study examined the qualitative experience of pregnancy in the United States during the pandemic. The study included 28 expectant mothers and was conducted between November and her December 2021.


Pregnancy can increase the risk of depression and anxiety, especially after giving birth. Each occurs in her third of first-time mothers. Research highlights that the prevalence of both conditions has increased since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Public health guidelines mandate social distancing, and the overwhelming stress on the healthcare system has caused many healthcare professionals and providers to shift into urgent areas working with COVID-19 patients. This has led to a redistribution of health care services in select areas, such as antenatal care.

Second, the need to limit the spread of infection restricted the presence of nonmedical personnel, including pre-, intra-, and post-partum labor rooms.

Not being able to have a partner, family member, or friend accompany them to visits, mothers often experienced increased stress, anxiety, and frustration with care. Added sense of isolation and lack of social support critical to a healthy pregnancy.

Such emotional risk factors underlie the increased incidence of depression, stress, and anxiety seen worldwide during pregnancy, as well as preterm birth, birth-related trauma, and decreased mother-infant bonding. may be in

This study used a qualitative approach based on inductive theme design to explore the impact of the pandemic on pregnancy experience in America. Most of the mothers in the study were white, worked full-time, and had one or two children of their own. Most were over the age of 31.

All subjects were postpartum at the time of interview.

What did the research show?

Researchers analyzed data from 28 women in six phases and found two key themes and eight subthemes. Two main themes were based on COVID-19 and her knowledge of the impact of COVID-19.

The first included knowledge of vaccines against diseases and certainty of exposure in different situations. Conversely, the second included the type of support received, pandemic-related public health restrictions, parenting, mental health, time spent at home, and isolation.

Many mothers said they didn’t know much about the vaccine, its potential effects on pregnancy, or the effects of being exposed to COVID-19 during pregnancy. When mothers learned that the virus was airborne, they feared getting sick and the consequent risk of fetal infection and adverse effects.

The risk of other family members being exposed to COVID-19 and the consequent risk of the pregnant mother becoming ill has been linked to significant fears of getting sick, having to be put on a ventilator and dying. was also connected. Clearly, many felt that their pregnancy experience would have been much better had COVID-19 not existed.

Second, mothers generally felt unsupported by those who were otherwise expected to provide such support because of the pandemic and restrictions. This is due to maternal fears about exposing their newborns to COVID-19 and public health guidelines.

Several women spoke positively and gratefully for the support they received from their mothers and partners, as well as from groups who reached out to help with feeding and other baby necessities.

In some cases, medical staff provided emotional support by celebrating pregnancy milestones, knowing that family members and significant others would not be able to attend.

The most difficult part for most mothers was the limitation of visitors during both prenatal and postnatal appointments. For many, it has led to high levels of stress and frustration for hospitals in adhering to extreme social distancing policies.

Importantly, some partners had a difficult time adjusting to their new baby as a result of being disconnected during their prenatal appointment.

One mother noted that the no visitation during pregnancy and birthing visitation policy is undoubtedly aimed at helping women and their babies avoid infection, but:Not having a caregiver present was detrimental to the overall health of the pregnant woman: her mental and physical health.A few mothers were happy with the restrictions as they escaped the pressure of attending social gatherings.

Conversely, mothers struggled with childcare during pregnancy, and working mothers in particular often had difficulty finding safe care for other children while attending prenatal appointments. Even those who still had childcare facilities experienced an unexpected outage due to the pandemic.

But the work-at-home policy has also benefited some working mothers who were able to continue working right up until the onset of labor pains. Family time improves, and mothers may be more comfortable during pregnancy in that they don’t have to stand up, face non-family members, or wear formal attire.

Poor access to mental health services has been the basis for much dissatisfaction, especially among those diagnosed with postpartum anxiety and/or depression early in pregnancy.

The inability to meet face-to-face with others just to describe their pregnancy experience in birthing classes, baby showers, and in real time has left many expectant mothers feeling isolated. .

what is the conclusion?

Despite compensatory measures that seek to mitigate the negative impact of public health restrictions on medical care and social interaction, the experience of pregnancy in the United States has been associated with emotional It continued to revolve around the theme of inadequate or lack of support.

This restriction restricted pregnant women’s husbands and partners as well, as they were unable to see the baby’s growth and development during the prenatal appointment.

A better understanding of the turmoil they faced in their experiences as fathers due to the pandemic and the need for better support also improves maternal and infant well-being and should be addressed in future research.

Little was known about the disease during the study period. With more information now available, it is important that women are armed with the right knowledge rather than suffering from fear stemming from uncertainty.

Current research does not adequately capture the experience of pregnancy among women from other communities and other socioeconomic groups. Women from various backgrounds have an increased risk of hypertension, obesity, diabetes and pre-eclampsia during pregnancy and need to be investigated in future studies.

However, findings from the current study strongly support existing studies from other countries and validate these global pregnancy experiences during COVID-19.

Our findings provide comprehensive care for expectant mothers, including adequate access to mental health services, social support, and providing clear information on COVID-19 vaccination and its impact on pregnancy. emphasizes the need.”




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