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Studies Show Exercise Can Help Treat Addiction

Studies Show Exercise Can Help Treat Addiction


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Exercise may be one of the keys to fighting addiction, according to new research.

The researchers conducted a review of the existing literature on the relationship between physical activity and its relationship to substance use, and their analysis found that regular exercise was associated with reduced use in approximately 75% of studies investigating that question. I discovered that there is

of Review published Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE, examined 43 studies with a total of over 3,000 participants. In addition to reducing or discontinuing substance use, the study also found improved markers of physical health and a reduction in depressive symptoms, the study said.

“People think they should only have psychotherapy during treatment…but that’s not what we saw in our study,” said a doctoral student and researcher at the University of Montreal in Canada. Lead study author Florence Pichet said: “Physical activity in addition to treatment is very beneficial.”

Findings are limited. The review found that most of the studies investigated by the investigators had a high risk of bias. That means more research is needed to confirm their findings, says Dr Aaron Kandla, a research fellow in the Medical Research Council Unit for Lifelong Health and Aging at University College London. .

The studies were also not directly comparable enough to build a comprehensive and generalizable understanding of the relationship, Kundla said in an email.

Physical activity can also help boost self-esteem and reduce anxiety and depression, experts say.

But the findings remain important and useful, he added.

“Substance use disorders are a major public health problem for which there are no low-cost, evidence-based solutions,” he said, adding that substance use disorders are getting worse in many high-income countries, including the United States. rice field.

Finding a more accessible solution to this obstacle is especially important. This disorder often occurs alongside other mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, disproportionately affecting people with low socioeconomic resources and areas of high deprivation.

Physical activity can be a useful and accessible part of a treatment regimen for substance use disorders, says Mark Smith, PhD, professor of psychology at Davidson College in North Carolina. was not part.

“I believe there is now a sufficient amount of data to show that various forms of physical activity and exercise are generally effective in reducing substance use in individuals seeking treatment.

According to Kandla, most people can benefit from doing physical activity.

One benefit the research has found is improved physical fitness, such as cardiovascular endurance and muscle strength, Smith said. He said the findings are important because they show that they play a role in promoting good health.

The study also shows that physical activity is associated with improved self-efficacy, self-esteem and self-confidence, which are known to protect against drug use, Smith added.

Physical activity has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, which are major risk factors for substance use, Kundla said.

How can a little bit of sweat go so far? Exercise makes dramatic changes throughout the brain, Smith said.

Exercise engages neural pathways that are also affected by substance use. There is a lot of evidence that exercise helps normalize the changes that occur in these pathways when using substances, Smith added.

Recent studies have highlighted the benefits of exercise, but did not know the amount or intensity of exercise required to see those benefits.

The current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity.

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Another question to ask: Does more exercise mean more gains?

Even without solid answers to these questions, it’s a good idea for people with health concerns of all kinds to get started, Kundla said.

If you’re not already in the habit of exercising, start with light activities such as a short walk around the block.

“Small amounts of physical activity are still beneficial, and gradually increasing duration and intensity over time can help build fitness,” said Kandra. , found in people transitioning from low to moderate fitness levels.”

Your exercise should also be fun, Smith said. Loving what you do is a great way to reduce substance use.

“By giving individuals alternative activities that they enjoy, by default, substance use is reduced. They’re doing something else with their time,” Smith said.

“You don’t have to run for hours on the treadmill. You can go outside and play basketball, tennis, pickleball, or whatever sport you like,” he added.

“It may take some trial and error, but finding the type of physical activity that’s right for you will increase your chances of sticking with it longer,” Kandla said in an email. It’s also a great way to meet other people and explore new territories.”




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