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Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patient understanding of vaccination

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patient understanding of vaccination
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patient understanding of vaccination


James Lewis, PharmD, FIDSA:COVID-19 has probably had more impact on the vaccine debate than anything I’ve seen in my 20+ year career on infectious diseases. It was a blessing and a curse.It was a blessing in that it yielded mRNA [messenger RNA] Vaccine technology is advancing far more rapidly than ever before. Frankly, those technologies were behind. They should have been here sooner. There are many reasons why it wasn’t, but safety and efficacy have never been an issue. We have seen how good they are.

The downside of the COVID-19 pandemic is that everyone in the US thinks they’re virologists, thanks to Dr. Google. But we all know that through the internet and social media, we can give ourselves what we agree to. Type “why the COVID-19 vaccine is evil” on the internet and you’ll get results that support that view. We have a nation of individuals who rush to the internet and social media to reinforce their opinions. Anyone can post anything on the Internet. And we’ve seen that in patient treatment.I have never seen anything like the backlash I received as a healthcare provider [since the start of] Pandemic. It was amazing.

There was always a good chunk of being a little nervous about vaccines. Now we have a group that is more than just a little nervous. They hit the internet and basically split up. “I think it’s okay, but I’m a little nervous,” he confirmed. Or they said “I don’t know if I need the vaccine” and had them check it out on the internet. Frankly, the compromise was an easy sell. By speaking openly with their health care providers, these people usually get vaccinated. Now people are bringing more ready-made opinions. As their views have strengthened over the past three years, we must work harder to help those who are hesitant to vaccinate make the jump now. Looking at the number of vaccinations [started], something terrible is happening. Influenza vaccinations have fallen sharply this year. Part of it is vaccine fatigue. Individuals are tired of hearing about it. But some people have opinions that are embodied on social media and the Internet. Unfortunately, these opinions are sometimes crystallized with bad information.

For an organization to make a difference, the message must be consistent, ubiquitous, and honest. Returning to our earlier discussion of which age groups struggle, the real reason the pediatric group struggles the least is because education is everywhere, expectations are everywhere, reminders are everywhere. That’s where we need to get with the rest of the population to see comparable numbers to what we’ve seen in the pediatric field. must be in order. Unfortunately, patients are coming with stronger opinions, and providers must be prepared to address some of those opinions. We have to do a much better job of providing readily available, clear and concise educational materials so that we can successfully interact with our patients. On the adult side, it doesn’t work so well.Areas we can do better, like my two doctor visits yesterday, like no one mentioned Shingrix [vaccine for the prevention of shingles]There are many things that can be improved on the adult side.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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