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Fauci discusses Covid-19 with school dean


Palo Alto (BCN)

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, joined the Stanford University School of Medicine on Monday to discuss the challenges and medical advances made in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Currently, the country is still seeing the highest level of COVID-19, with a total of 3.3 million confirmed cases reported on Sunday and 60,469 new cases reported, but Forch undoes the impact. I said it was not too late.

“We can handle that,” Forchi said in a discussion with Dr. Lloyd Miner of Stanford. “We don’t necessarily have to shut it down again, but if we pull it down very carefully and continue, and respect the guidelines, these things can be simple but turn around.”

These guidelines are to wear a mask, wash your hands often, maintain a physical distance from others, and avoid congestion.

However, if someone becomes infected, health care professionals have learned to intervene with the antiviral drugs lemdesibir and the steroid dexamethasone and have been proven to be effective in those who already have the disease.

Fauci said the next step is to identify interventions that occur early in the illness to prevent vulnerable people from getting infected and worsening those who get infected.

“I believe we are reasonably on the right track to get there right away,” Forch said. “Regarding the vaccine… There are multiple candidates at various stages of clinical trials.”

Fauci said one of the two vaccines in clinical trials will enter Phase 3 this month. That is, the vaccine is given to thousands of people to test its efficacy and safety.

Fauci believes that by 2021, at least one vaccine will be publicly available.

“We are thinking about what we really need, and I’ve been saying this for decades. It’s gone, and it’s something that will never happen again, so with a very robust pandemic plan We really need operational capabilities,” he said.

A concrete next step in preparing for the next pandemic is to continue to develop science and technology for rapid vaccine development.

Another step is to highlight the study of prototype pathogens, a particular family of potentially threatening microbes, which could help in the development of universal vaccines and treatments.

“For example, coronavirus. This is the third pandemic that has occurred in the last 18 years with coronavirus. SARS has occurred in 2002. MERS has occurred in 2012 and COVID has occurred in 2020. I did,” said Forch.

California is also unaffected by the high number of cases. According to the latest state data as of Monday, the state had more than 329,000 confirmed cases and more than 7,000 deaths.

However, Fauci pointed out that the Bay Area did more in controlling the transmission of COVID-19 than other states.

“California is a little mixed bag because it’s a big state… I’ve been working with Governor Gavin Newsom for the past few months. He actually holds his handle, I understand what he needs to do, and I believe he does a really good job, as some of you do [Bay Area] Mayor. “

In early March, Stanford was one of the first academic medical centers in the country to develop its own diagnostic test, and the test became available in Northern California.

“The Academic Medical Center has this extraordinary talent, and we really need to do more,” Forch said. “California has many world-class academic medical centers. In the Bay Area alone, we have UCSF, Stanford University, and some of the best in the world. Will be much better.”

At a Monday event, Mr Forch did not mention the recent interrogation of President Donald Trump and other White House officials against him and other public health officials.

In Trump’s latest tweet as of Monday, another user asked, “Based on Dr. Forch and the Democratic Party, would you need an ID card to vote to go shopping?” There was sharing of tweets.

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