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Brain activity in dying people shows signs of near-death experience

Brain activity in dying people shows signs of near-death experience


Some people who have faced death report feeling like they are going down a tunnel toward a bright light.

Sharon Dominique/iStockphoto/Getty Images

A surge in brain waves in two dying people after life support is turned off may help explain the phenomenon of near-death experiences.

The feeling of walking down a tunnel toward a bright light, of reliving memories of the past, and hearing or seeing the voices of deceased relatives have all been reported by people from different cultures. deathHowever, skeptics say these experiences may be triggered by seeing hallucinations while recovering in the hospital.

It seems that we have identified brain The activity behind these experiences.

10 years ago, Jimo Borjigin The University of Michigan School of Medicine and her colleagues When rats die, electrical activity spikes in their brains.

Some critically ill people in intensive care units may have electrodes attached to their heads to monitor brain waves in a technique called electroencephalography (EEG). epilepsy Seizures.

Borjigin’s team combed through the anonymized medical records of people whose EEGs were recorded and whose life support was taken off because they had no chance of recovery, and found four such people.

Brain waves can be seen on the EEG when numerous brain cells fire together in synchronized cycles.These waves occur at different frequencies.

previous work Faster frequencies, known as gamma brain waves, consciousnesshigher thought processes and memory search. This is especially true when it occurs in her two areas on either side of the head, known as the temporoparieto-occipital (TPO) junction.

Two of the four participants in this study showed gamma EEG surges at the TPO junction when life support was withdrawn. This surge of brain waves lasted for several minutes and was sometimes very intense, Borjigin says. “It was insanely expensive”

It is impossible to know if these people had visions when they were dying. says.

The brains of the two who showed gamma brain waves were still fully functional, unlike the other two who had no gamma brain waves at all. heart their rating blood Oxygen levels have dropped. This suggests that a functioning autonomic nervous system is required for the development of gamma EEG surges.

The two were also suspected of having epileptic seizures, which may have permanently affected their brains. However, the increased likelihood of having a near-death experience in people with a history of epilepsy has not been noted until now.

Sam Parnier Langone Health at New York University says gamma wave surges can occur when a person falls and dies. air Levels override some of the natural “braking systems” on brain activity. “This allows activation of normally dormant pathways, seen as transient electrical spikes,” he says. “You lose the energy-hungry braking system.”

The findings provide additional supportive evidence of consciousness in some people who were otherwise thought to be unconscious at the end of life, Parnia says.





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