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How do I know if my dog ​​needs a canine flu vaccine and how much do they cost?

How do I know if my dog ​​needs a canine flu vaccine and how much do they cost?
How do I know if my dog ​​needs a canine flu vaccine and how much do they cost?


Minneapolis — Not the news any dog ​​owner wants to hear. Not only is canine flu rampant in the twin cities, but a vaccine is hard to find.

How do you know if your dog needs the canine flu vaccine and how much does it cost? good question.

As temperatures rise, the need to zoom isn’t just for humans, it’s for dogs too. It is now recommended that dogs be steered away from dog parks and boarding kennels, which has caused a severe predicament.

more: Animal Health Board – Skip Dog Parks to Prevent Canine Flu Spread in Minnesota

Dr. Amanda Mickelson, a veterinarian at All Paws Animal Hospital, said, “Generally, what I tell my clients is, if you can reduce the risk, go ahead and do it for the next few months.” That’s it.

Young or very old dogs are the best candidates for the vaccine, Mickelson said.

“Alternatively, people with underlying immunosuppression or pre-existing conditions that are respiratory or cardiac in nature,” Mickelson said.

The tricky part is that puppies often need contact with other dogs.

“Here we are specifically focusing our vaccine efforts on really young people who also attend puppy classes and training classes,” Mickelson said.



As for the vaccine itself, Mickelson’s clinic has limited supplies, while several other clinics WCCO News called have none. A back order has been created due to demand.

more: Due to canine flu, dogs cannot be taken on Humane Society animal walks

“We were lucky to get the carton before everything happened,” Mickelson said.

Additionally, each dog will get a booster shot after 3-4 weeks, so 2 vials per dog are required.

So should dog owners wait for an outbreak to occur, or should vaccination be part of the dog’s yearly routine?

“When an outbreak like this occurs in your area, annual canine flu vaccination as part of your protocol is usually recommended if the risk assessment is high,” Mickelson said.

Her clinic charges about $100, which she said costs slightly more than other vaccines.

There are currently two canine flu strains under veterinary surveillance. Like other viruses, they can mutate over time, so different canine flu strains may emerge in the future.

more: Woodbury Humane Society approves reopening adoption doors soon after canine flu outbreak




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