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Why The DASH Diet Is The Top Choice When It Comes To Protecting You From Heart Attack Risk

Why The DASH Diet Is The Top Choice When It Comes To Protecting You From Heart Attack Risk
Why The DASH Diet Is The Top Choice When It Comes To Protecting You From Heart Attack Risk


It is often said that diet plays an important role in protecting heart health. Currently, the American Heart Association (AHA) states that the popular ketogenic, vegan, and paleo diets offer no benefits to the heart, while the diet to stop hypertension (DASH), the Mediterranean, pescatarian, and vegetarian diets do. Evidence-based analysis showing no benefit to still the best bet.

An American Heart Association scientific statement prepared by Christopher D. Gardner, Rehnborg Farquhar Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, states: The media has reached dangerous levels. The general public, and even many health care professionals, may be understandably confused about a heart-healthy diet. We hope that this statement will serve as a tool for clinicians and the public to understand which diets promote cardiometabolic health. “

This report evaluates 10 common diets and how they align with 9 of the 10 characteristics of the AHA’s dietary guidance on heart-healthy diets. than tropical oils. Eat healthy protein sources such as plants, seafood, and lean meats. Minimize the addition of sugar and salt. Limit alcohol; opt for minimally processed foods instead of ultra-processed foods. And follow this guidance whenever food is prepared or consumed. The AHA doesn’t list the energy balance needed to maintain a healthy weight. This is because it depends not only on your diet but also on your physical activity level.

Diets were rated on a scale of 1 to 100. Only DASH got a perfect score. “For a long time, cardiologists have only mentioned the DASH diet to prevent heart disease. We don’t call it that because we tend to. A very simple diet that does not include high quality vegetables Rich in fiber rich vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes Protein includes legumes, legumes and nuts Animal Sexual proteins are limited to fish, seafood, lean poultry and absolutely no meat,” said Dr. Mukesh Goel, senior consultant in Cardiothoracic and Cardiac Surgery, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital. says. Delhi.

And while people are eager to follow the Mediterranean diet, Dr. Goel says his patients may not understand the limits of use or salted wine. Surprising in the ratings are the Pescatarian diet (92 points), which includes fish, seafood and plant foods, and the Vegetarian diet (86 points), which scores higher than his vegan diet. “I would never recommend a vegan diet due to its restrictive nature and possible micronutrient deficiencies like vitamin B-12 that can lead to anemia,” he adds. , Dr. Goel explains: Also, in the absence of general nutritional awareness, patients may be consuming too much refined carbohydrates, etc., even on a low-fat diet. I’m not used to the idea yet. “

As for Paleolithic (53rd) and the very low-carb/ketogenic diet (31st), Dr. Goyal feels they are primarily aimed at weight loss only. “Also, there is still no evidence that a less restrictive diet is more effective for weight loss in the long run. And they are high in fat. The most important part of a heart-healthy diet is that it is It has to be reasonable and something people can follow. That’s why DASH works,” he says.

Compliance is the biggest obstacle Dr. Goel sees in his patients. “More than 50% of my patients do not follow their dietary advice faithfully except when they are not feeling well. Indians are prisoners of their taste and it starts at a young age. children’s taste buds from the age of 10 onwards. Stay away from high-fat, high-salt foods. A message like this is all the more important today, when dieting has become a major tool for modifying lifestyles. “Children were exposed to a wide variety of physical activities. Children these days lead sedentary lifestyles, but they eat more and don’t burn as many calories as they should,” says Dr. Goel.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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