Agricultural officials in the Biden administration are testing four vaccines in hopes of staving off the latest outbreak of highly pathogenic avian flu that has ravaged U.S. poultry farms and pushed up egg prices, a first in history. We are planning to launch a nationwide vaccination campaign that will be that kind of effort.
Biden administration tests vaccine to fight bird flu that has sent egg prices skyrocketing
Two vaccines being tested by the USDA were developed by that agency. Others from animal drug makers Zoetis and Merck He was developed and not used during the last major outbreak in 2015, a USDA spokesman said.
If the trials are successful, the next step is to identify the manufacturer, and there are many more steps before laying hens, domesticated turkeys and broilers are vaccinated. In a best-case scenario, officials are estimating a timeline of 18-24 months for a vaccine in commercial quantities matching the currently circulating virus strain to become available, though the timeline could be shortened in an emergency. There is a possibility that
Known as H5N1 avian flu, the virus is unlikely to cause a human pandemic, but it is a major headache for poultry farmers around the world. It was the largest and deadliest outbreak to date. Nearly 60 million farm-raised birds have died or been culled in the United States to stop the spread of the virus.
Viruses have also caused eggs to become very expensive. But while “eggflation” has calmed down temporarily, bird flu hasn’t splashed into chicken coops.
Historically, bird flu epidemics have come and gone. The virus went undetected in the United States for several years before re-emerging in 2022 and has been present in North America ever since. However, it is often a seasonal problem, peaking in the spring and summer with migrations of wild migratory birds, and still seems to be unresolved.
Experts say there are signs that the current aggressive strain may have become permanent in North America.
“The virus has actually spread across the United States from the Atlantic coast westward, and is now being detected in all 50 states, including Alaska,” said Nicola Hill, a professor of biology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, at a briefing last week. Stated. “So, since then, we’ve seen continued epidemics in North America, raising the question of whether this virus is now endemic.”
Despite efforts to contain the virus, it continues to spread among birds and has recently spread to mammals. No cases of human-to-human transmission have been documented, and those known to have contracted the disease worked closely with poultry. It means more opaque.
Egg prices fell by almost 11% last month, according to government data.USDA chief economist Seth Meyer is optimistic Wholesale egg prices were forecast to drop further in February And total egg production will increase this year. However, this forecast assumes that the bird flu epidemic will not continue. And this, according to many veterinarians and poultry experts, is wishful thinking.
Overall, egg prices have been on an upward trend in the US since the current bird flu outbreak, rising 155% between early 2022 and early this year. As food prices rose more broadly, skyrocketing to $4.25 per dozen in December, eggs became a prime example, putting pressure on American wallets and pushing up the cost of foods containing eggs. Some people, dissatisfied with the prices, even decorated potatoes for Easter this year. (Potato USA’s promotions committee tweaked along with that idea.)
Analysts at financial services provider Rabobank expect egg prices to remain high globally and even higher in countries where bird flu pressure is strong. Eggs are an important high-protein, nutrient-rich staple food, so persistently high prices and scarcity can be particularly problematic for low-income consumers.
David Swain, a poultry veterinarian who specializes in bird flu, told a recent press conference that more than 254 million birds have died or their populations have declined worldwide.
According to Peru’s National Park Service, 3,500 sea lions died in Peru last month.Scientists have detected the virus in over 100 species of wild birds and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention documented Infection of zoo animals such as bears, foxes, skunks, captive minks, tigers and leopards.Earlier this month, bird flu was linked to Three pet cats have died in Nebraska.
“This happens when our pets are preying on dead birds,” Hill said. If you walk your dog, keep it on a leash to keep it away from wild animals, and keep your cat indoors.”
Mammalian infections may have occurred through water-borne transmission, Hill said. This means that mammals such as whales and seals can become infected from the virus in the water, leading to mass deaths. Occasionally contagion occurs.
of USDA said Its Agricultural Research Service began a bird flu vaccination trial in April. They expect to have data on the efficacy of his 1-dose vaccine in May and results from his 2-dose vaccine challenge in June.
Hiroko Sato, a professor of veterinary medicine at Iowa State University, said widespread vaccination could be costly and logistically complex. Like the coronavirus, it is a constantly changing virus, so vaccines that worked for previous versions of the virus may not work in the long term.
“You want to give one shot and two weeks later give a second shot, but there are 300 million laying hens,” Sato said, and 9.6 billion broilers raised for the meat industry. An effort of that scale would entail considerable costs that would be passed on to consumers’ grocery bills. He said it could be much more difficult to detect because, like the coronavirus vaccine in 2020, people who are infected may not show symptoms of the virus.
“Vaccines are not silver bullets and cannot prevent infection,” she said.
For this reason, some experts say widespread vaccination could have a negative impact on poultry exports, making it difficult for poultry farmers to prove to trading partners that their animals are disease-free. I am concerned. (The last major bird flu outbreak in 2015 cut U.S. poultry exports by $1.1 billion, according to USDA data.)
The National Chicken Council, the broiler industry group, does not support the use of vaccines, said Tom Super, the council’s senior vice president of communications. The country said it would not import vaccinated poultry due to concerns that the vaccine could mask the presence of the disease.
“Vaccines don’t eliminate viruses,” he said. “Birds can still be obtained [the virus] You may not see any symptoms. “
Carol Cardona, chairman of Pomeroy on Avian Health at the University of Minnesota, said vaccination would make domesticated birds more predictable and protective.She warned that not getting vaccinated could also be costly Also, some animals, such as turkeys, are naturally more vulnerable to viruses.
“Not reacting is half the battle,” she said. “That’s why we have to vaccinate. Why not? We have science. It takes a while, so sooner or later we have to start.”
In the previous outbreak in 2015, much of the spread was farm-to-farm, with truck tires and dirty boots dragging the virus, Sato said. Strengthening security measures, This is minimal, but even if a few birds test positive for H5N1, the entire flock is killed and culled to minimize spread. This increases the cost of breeding replacement birds, but also increases protective equipment for workers who have to deal with infected birds. animal.
According to Swayne, 874 people with bird flu have infected humans since 1997, and about 40% have died. Since 1997, most people who have contracted avian influenza have been those who work with poultry. or “wet” person A market where animals are slaughtered.
“When birds are dying, poultry workers are at risk,” Cardona said, adding that it doesn’t rule out more serious outbreaks in humans.
“Are you in this country? No,” she said. “But never say it with the flu.”
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