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Dan Gill on Gardening, Pollen and Allergies | Home/Garden

Dan Gill on Gardening, Pollen and Allergies | Home/Garden
Dan Gill on Gardening, Pollen and Allergies | Home/Garden


Many people suffer from pollen allergies, and high pollen counts can make you more prone to sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and headaches from sinus pressure when working outside. It usually happens in spring because many plants bloom.

problem pollen

What is pollen and why do plants make it?

Pollen grains consist of small packets that carry the male germ cells of the plant. They are part of the processes that plants use to produce fruits and seeds during sexual reproduction.

Wind-pollinated plants produce light pollen grains that are released into the air and drift in the wind. The goal is for the pollen to fly around and eventually land on the pistils of other flowers to pollinate them and produce seeds.

Wind-pollinated plants are characterized by monotonous, inconspicuous flowers that appear in clusters, tassels, or catkins. It doesn’t have to be showy to attract pollinators, so wind-pollinated flowers are seldom noticed.

Allergy problems are primarily caused by these tiny airborne pollen particles. They are easily inhaled and can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Oak, maple, ash, pecan, juniper, pine , and many shade trees, such as birch, are wind-pollinated. Other wind-pollinated plants include grass (currently flowering), ragweed (a major cause of allergies in the fall), and various other weeds.

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A bee collects pollen from a lemon bee balm flower as the coreopsis flowers bloom in the background.

keep the flower bed

Knowing that flowering plants produce pollen can make you want to rip your garden all out. The showy, colorful flowers we love in our flower gardens aren’t wind pollinated, which is the main cause of spring allergies.

These colorful flowers are attractive, but the flowers and the scent they emit are not for us, they attract pollinating insects and birds to visit the flowers and carry pollen from flower to flower. The petals tell pollinators that nutritious nectar is available and waiting.

The pollen produced by these plants is not intended to be airborne. It is heavy and sticky and is designed to stick to the body, feet and mouth of the pollinator. Most of the flowers in the garden are insect-pollinated.

Because pollen is not airborne, insect-pollinated plants rarely cause allergic reactions unless you stick your nose into the flowers. The scent floats in the air, but few scents seem to bother people. Ligustrum, which is currently flowering, seems to be a notable exception.


As with most wind-pollinated plants, ragweed flowers are unremarkable when compared to flowering plants used in beds.

bad rap

Plants that flower and are pollinated by insects can be blamed for allergies caused by wind-pollinated plants. bloom at the same time.

Goldenrod blooms showy, insect-pollinated, golden-yellow flowers. Goldenrod pollen is not airborne. Ragweed is wind pollinated and causes allergies in many people. But the flowers are inconspicuous, and even if they bloom, you will not notice them. As such, goldenrod is often responsible for the hay fever that people suffer in late September, October and early November. But ragweed is the real culprit.

Allergy sufferers can use a few simple tips to minimize pollen exposure. can be reduced.

Tips for allergy-prone gardeners

Knowing how to limit your exposure to problem pollen can make gardening, yard work, and other outdoor activities more tolerable. Please keep this tip in mind.

avoid gardening Early morning hours as pollen counts are highest before 10am. Similarly, pollen counts tend to increase with sunset.

wear a face mask Filter airborne allergens while working in the garden, mowing the lawn, or raking.

If practical, choose wood. Plants or shrubs that are not wind-pollinated when you plan to beautify your garden. Remember, the cleaner the flowers, the safer the pollen is usually.

Remember Pollen Matters Highest on warm, sunny, breezy days and lowest on cool, cloudy, mild days or after rainfall.

shower immediately Coming from a long period of gardening and when washing clothes.

need to check the yard Frequently to ensure that no highly allergenic weeds such as ragweed, nettle, dock, plantain, ragweed, and lamb quarter are growing. In particular, keep the Bermuda grass at bay. Highly allergenic pollen is produced by this plant that thrives in garden beds and lawns.

lack of maintenance In vacant and abandoned land, many allergen-causing plants can grow virtually unchecked. , which helps reduce pollen counts.

Please don’t just suffer. Consult your doctor and, if necessary, an allergist. A variety of over-the-counter and prescription drugs can greatly reduce allergy symptoms.

New Orleans has a long gardening tradition of growing plants in landscape containers. According to Hillary Somerville Irvine’s essay…

Garden columnist Dan Gill answers readers’ questions each week. To submit questions, email her Gill at [email protected].

Garden columnist Dan Gill answers readers’ questions each week. To submit questions, email her Gill at [email protected].




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