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Why do champagne bubbles rise like this? Scientists’ new discovery deserves a toast

Why do champagne bubbles rise like this? Scientists’ new discovery deserves a toast


The researchers set out to investigate the mechanisms that stabilize bubble chains, hoping that they could be replicated to stabilize unstable chains in the same way champagne and prosecco do.

Their results show that the stable chain of bubbles in champagne and other sparkling wines is caused by ingredients called surfactants, which act as soap-like compounds. The molecules reduce the tension between the liquid and the air bubbles, allowing a smoother rise to the top.

“The theory is that in champagne, these contaminants that act as surfactants are a good thing,” says Zenit, senior author of the paper. These protein molecules that feed are what stabilize the chain of bubbles they generate.”

Experiments also showed that bubble stability is affected by the size of the bubble itself. They found that chains containing large bubbles had similar wakes to bubbles containing contaminants, resulting in smoother ascents and stable chains.

However, for beverages, the bubbles are always small. Surfactants are a key factor in generating linear and stable chains. Beer, for example, also contains surfactant-like molecules, but depending on the type of beer, the foam may or may not rise linearly. In contrast, carbonated water bubbles are always unstable. This is because there are no contaminants to help the bubbles move smoothly through wakes left by other bubbles in the chain.

“This wake, this velocity disturbance, knocks out the bubble,” Zenit said. “He’s not one line, but a cone of bubbles.”

The findings of the new study go well beyond our understanding of the science used to toast to celebrations, researchers say. This finding provides a general framework in fluid dynamics for understanding the formation of clusters in bubble flows of economic and social value.

For example, techniques using bubble-induced mixing, such as aeration tanks in water treatment plants, could help researchers better understand how bubbles cluster, their origin, and how to predict their appearance. It would be of great benefit. In nature, understanding these currents could help better explain the seepage of the ocean, which produces methane and carbon dioxide from the ocean floor.

The experiments conducted by the research team were relatively simple, and some could even be carried out in a local pub. To observe the chain of bubbles, the researchers poured carbonated drinks such as Pellegrino sparkling water, Tecate beer, Charles de Casanove champagne, and Spanish-style brut into glasses.

To study the bubble chain and the factors that stabilize it, they filled a small rectangular Plexiglas container with a liquid and inserted a needle into the bottom to pump gas into it, creating different types of bubble chains.




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