A low-fat, low-carb diet may help you live longer
- A low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet may help people live longer and healthier lives, according to new research.
- A low-fat, healthy, low-carbohydrate diet is associated with a lower incidence of heart disease, various cancers, and premature death from all causes.
- According to nutrition experts, you can adopt a low-carb or low-fat eating style by following these simple tips.
healthy low fat or low carb diet It may be the answer to longevity.
According to a new study published in
In this study, a healthy low-fat diet was characterized by low intake. saturated fat and high intake vegetable protein And high quality carbohydrates.
Previous short-term clinical trials have shown health benefits associated with low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets for weight loss and heart health.
However, this new study adds nuances.
A low-fat diet is associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality, cardiovascular (heart) diseaseand various cancers, the findings of a new study on low-carbohydrate diets were slightly mixed.
Overall, low-carbohydrate diets (LCDs) and unhealthy low-carbohydrate diets were associated with significantly increased all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease mortality, and cancer mortality.
However, a healthy low-carbohydrate diet was associated with slightly lower mortality.
“Our results support the importance of maintaining a healthy, low-fat diet low in saturated fat to prevent all-cause and specific-cause mortality in middle-aged and older adults,” said the study. the author says. press release.
Ron Ben Asher MS, RD, dietitian and educator at the Pritikin Longevity Center, told Healthline that food quality in an individual’s dietary plan plays the most important role in preventing or reducing disease risk or promoting it. says.
For example, if someone chooses to follow a dietary pattern consistent with a low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet that focuses on high-quality carbohydrate and plant-based protein sources rich in vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients, and fiber, He says most evidence-based research supports this as a way to prevent or reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as:
He gives examples of high-fiber foods that include all vegetables, especially peas, potatoes, beans, lentils, other legumes, oatmeal, whole grains, and foods low in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol: We provide as
“This way of eating supports the beneficial bacteria in your gut microbiome and reduces inflammation systemically,” he says.
It’s also beneficial for brain health and weight management, adds Ben-Asher.
Christine KirkpatrickMS, RDN, nutritionist and author of “Skinny Liver,” she found that many patients following moderate and low-carbohydrate dietary patterns Management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and type 2 diabetesthe most important thing in building a dietary pattern is to make sure it is rich in vegetables, protein, and low-glycemic fruits.
She says it’s also important to get fat sources from healthy fats like nuts and olive oil.
“Carbohydrates and fats are fine, but it’s the overall balance between them and their sources that determines your health,” he says. Andy De SantisRDN, MPH, nutritionist and author of The 28-Day DASH Diet Weight-Loss Program.
Grace DerochaMBA, RD, CDCES, and a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics tell Healthline that low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets may lead to healthier or longer lives for a variety of reasons. .
“Many people tend to eat too much carbs and fats, so cutting them down can help them maintain their weight. In general, when it comes to chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes, it’s usually healthier. results,” she says.
According to nutrition experts, following these simple tips can help you make sustainable changes to your diet and improve your overall health.
Commitment to high-quality materials
“Quality is the most important factor in any eating pattern,” Kirkpatrick tells Healthline. “For my patients who follow a low-carbohydrate dietary pattern, I spend a lot of time educating them about fiber. lean protein sourcehealthy fats and non-starchy vegetables,” she explains.
Kirkpatrick says substituting cauliflower rice for white rice makes a great substitute.
“It may not happen overnight, but over time, most people I’ve worked with have come to prefer the adaptation over the original version,” she says.
“For another example, instead of meat with potatoes for dinner, serve grilled salmon and broccoli,” she says. “These things are easy to make at home or when eating out of the house.”
Eat more natural plant-based foods
“Food is fuel, providing the macro- and micronutrients our bodies need to thrive and thrive,” explains Ben-Asher.
“If we start to focus more on consuming whole, mostly plant-based foods, high in calories, highly processed, saturated fats, unhealthy oils, sodium, and refined sugars, Give us the opportunity to promote health and prevent disease when we significantly reduce what is normally found in convenient and readily available sources, including:
Choose seafood over red meat
If you typically consume large amounts of red meat, lamb, or pork, both at home and in restaurants, De Santis recommends considering replacing some of it with fish or seafood.
switch source
When dining out, you have control over what you add to your dish. For example, when eating pasta, de He Santis suggests using a tomato his sauce instead of a cheese or dairy-based cream his sauce.
Pack protein-rich snacks
Kirkpatrick also added some mixed nuts, or protein bar, to combat hunger while out of the house. This will help you avoid getting convenience and overly processed foods from convenience stores and fast food outlets that are full of saturated fat, added sugars, salt and low-quality carbohydrates.
Take advantage of legumes
“beans Some foods, such as lentils and chickpeas, are slightly lower in carbohydrates but have significantly more protein and fiber than comparable starches, which have been associated with lower blood sugar, blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, so eating them more regularly is recommended. must be ingested. All three of them are risk factors for cardiovascular disease,” says De Santis.
exercise amount control
Finally, no matter what you’re eating, De Rocha says, “It’s important to keep in mind quantity control in general, but especially with fats, added sugars and carbohydrates.” said. Watching your portions can also help reduce total carbs, she adds.
“People can use the general rule of thumb of eating half the previous amount when it comes to pasta, rice, etc. while adding vegetables,” she says.
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