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Do you hate mosquitoes?This scent helps keep pests away

Do you hate mosquitoes?This scent helps keep pests away


You will go crazy when you hear this news.

Research published in iScience Journal Wednesday investigated how different soaps repel mosquitoes and concluded that coconut may be a magical scent that keeps pesky insects away.

“Everyone smells differently, even after applying soap. Your physiology, the way you live, what you eat and where you go all affect your sense of smell,” co-author says biologist Chloe Laondale. explained in a statement.

“And soap dramatically alters how we smell, not just by adding chemicals, but by causing changes in the release of compounds we already produce naturally.”

Researchers at Virginia Tech analyzed the chemical odors emitted by four participants before and after they washed with four brands of soap.

A mosquito on a stick.
Researchers have found that certain scents repel insects, which varies from person to person.
Abaca Press/INSTARimages

They also studied the odor profile of the soap and identified four chemicals associated with mosquito attraction and three associated with repellent.

“The same individuals who are highly attractive to mosquitoes when not washed may become even more attractive to mosquitoes when using one soap and then repel or repel mosquitoes when using another soap. One thing is worth noting,” said senior author and neurobehavior Clement Vinoger.

Four soap brands were used in the experiment: Dial, Dove, Native, and Simple Truth.

Participants washed one arm with soap and left the other arm covered with a nylon sleeve. This process was repeated for each soap.

An hour later, the researchers placed a nylon sleeve into a mesh-covered cup filled with adult females of Aedes aegypti, known to spread diseases such as yellow fever, Zika and dengue.

The researchers used only freshly mated mosquitoes because male mosquitoes only eat plant nectar, whereas female mosquitoes only eat blood after mating.

Scientists have suggested that plant-based or plant-mimicking scents used in soaps may confuse nectar-loving insects.

Coconut cracked with soap and oil on the background.
One of the chemicals involved in rebound is the coconut flavored key ingredient in American bourbon.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

The researchers noted that washing with Dove and Simple Truth made some volunteers more attractive, while natural soap tended to keep mosquitoes away.

One of the chemicals involved in rebound is the coconut flavored key ingredient in American bourbon.

“It corroborates what has been found in previous studies, i hate mosquitoes There are coconut-scented products out there, so the safest option at the moment is to use them,” Winager said.

“In these mixtures, we removed any noise in the signal by including only those chemicals whose statistics indicated that they were important for attraction or repulsion,” he continued. “If you want to reduce mosquito infestation, I would choose coconut-scented soap.”

The team plans to test more soap types and more people.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends: Wear a mosquito repellent or use a repellent such as EPA-registered DEET or lemon eucalyptus oil.

west nile virus It is the most common virus spread by mosquitoes in the United States. it can lead to death.




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