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CDC study recommends mask delegation after tracking infected stylists at Missouri beauty salons


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after investigating two Missouri hairstylists who owned Covid-19 but didn’t give it to clients, policymakers demand facecover to reduce the spread of coronaviruses That you should consider New study published Tuesday..

“Because of the potential for pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic infections, widespread adoption of policies that require covering the face in public places to reduce the impact and magnitude of the additional waves of COVID-19. Should be considered,” says the study published by CDC.

Some governors including Gavin Newtham, Governor of California And Governor Greg Abbott, Demanded that people wear face covers in public or in certain environments when they cannot maintain a social distance. But it doesn’t have the obligations of the whole United States like China and other countries. Not all states in the United States have issued a mask order, and some outbreaks, including Florida, have soared, leaving it to local cities and counties. Remained US companies to enforce As CNBC previously reported, it faces its own coverage of the requirements.

In an interview Redfield stressed the importance of masks late Tuesday, with Dr. Howard Bowner of the American Medical Association journal. He said US can suppress coronavirus pandemic in 1-2 months If all Americans wear masks.

“We think it’s very clear now,” Redfield said. “It’s time to wear a mask”

The CDC traced two infected hairstylists infected in Springfield, Missouri, and although it was contagious, it seems that 139 clients did not get the virus. According to the researchers, one of the stylists developed symptoms on May 12 and continued to work until May 20 until Covid-19 tested positive. At that time, the infected person handed the virus to another stylist, who continued to work until May 20, despite symptoms appearing on May 15, the researchers wrote.

The researchers wrote that the two stylists worked on 139 clients in eight days, but no one tested positive for Covid-19 or reported respiratory symptoms after follow-up tests and interviews. .. Researchers have concluded that it is a city-wide ordinance that limits the entire business to 25% capacity and requires all salons to wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus.

“The policy of requiring the use of face covers likely contributed to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 during the close interaction between salon A stylists and clients,” the researchers say. writing. “A broader implementation of masking policies could mitigate the spread of infection in the general population.”

The two stylists always wore a “two-layer cotton face cover” or surgical mask when interacting with clients. They added that they reported that their clients wore either cloth face covers, surgical masks, or N95 masks during all or part of their time in the business.

The lack of infection in hair salons is based on increasing evidence that the use of masks and face covers, especially indoors or in crowded environments, plays an important role in preventing infection. Researcher cited Observation data According to responses from 194 countries, the number of Covid-19 deaths per capita was significantly higher in “countries not recommending face masks” in countries with “masking policies” ..

However, the researchers pointed out that there are some limitations to researching Missouri beauty salons. Not all clients agreed to the test, and some could be tested positive early in the virus latency period and then positive, researchers say. It is.

Overall, 67 clients agreed to the test and 72 refused, the researchers wrote, but of the 139 clients, 104 interviewed to see if they had symptoms from the Green County Health Department. Received Eighty-seven of the 104 people who received it said they had no symptoms, and none of the people who reported symptoms had the Covid-19 test.

That is, it is possible that asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic people who may have been infected at the salon were not found.

It is also possible that the client was infected before the stylist had symptoms, but the researchers did not collect data from clients who visited the salon before the first stylist had symptoms. The researchers also noted that the nature of the hair service clients faced away from the stylist could have reduced the risk of infection instead of a mask.

Despite these limitations, researchers say the study supports widespread use of face covers and masks and reduces Covid-19 infections. Face covering has become a political lightning rod in the debate over how best to control a pandemic, but scientists say there is evidence to help prevent outbreaks. .. They try not to spread the virus before the onset of symptoms, or before they are symptomatic, who are not asymptomatic and do not know that it is spreading. Say is especially important.

“These results support the use of face covers in public places, especially when social distances are not possible, to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2,” they wrote. ..


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