The real reason for your hair loss may be…
There are many reasons for hair loss, but nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances are undoubtedly one of the main causes. Therefore, if we are aware of these Malnutritionyou can always get over them by making the right lifestyle changes and intakes. supplement This is to prevent problems such as hair loss. Dr. Vishaka Shivdasani sheds light on the various reasons you may be experiencing hair loss, writing on her Instagram:hair loss, thinning hair, receding hairline, etc. Most people, both men and women, face this problem at some point in their lives. These problems are dire, but we can prevent or even reverse hair loss by addressing the root causes of hair loss,” she added.
The reason behind hair loss
According to Dr. Shivdasani, the reasons for hair loss are:
1. iron deficiency. Probably the most common in my patients. When you have anemia, your hair follicles don’t get enough oxygen and nutrients. This can almost certainly lead to hair loss.
2. Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D It helps stimulate hair follicles to grow new hair. A lack of vitamin D can disrupt this hair growth cycle, leading to thinning hair and hair loss.
3. Zinc deficiency. Zinc is an important mineral for hair health.when you don’t have enough zinc, which may lead to miniaturization of the hair follicle. This simply means that the hair follicles get smaller and produce thinner and weaker tufts. This obviously can eventually lead to hair loss.
4. Hypothyroidism. An improperly functioning thyroid gland can lead to hormonal imbalances, disrupted hair growth cycles, and hair loss. Hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) is commonly associated with hair loss.
5. Excess androgens. Androgens are male hormones present in both men and women. Excessive production of androgens in the body can cause hair loss. Androgens bind to receptors in hair follicles and cause them to shrink, which can lead to thinning hair and hair loss. This is why thinning hair is so common in women with: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
“Talk to your doctor to get these levels checked and take the correct dose of supplements based on your blood levels,” she concluded.
What causes hair loss?
Dr. Smriti Naswa Singh, a consultant dermatologist and cosmetic dermatologist at Fortis Hospital in Murand, also agreed. Hair loss can have various causes. “One of the most common causes is nutritional deficiencies such as: anemiairon deficiency, Vitamin B12vitamin D deficiency, or trace element deficiency,” she said, adding that there are other reasons that can also cause hair loss.
In response, Dr. Ishaan Sardesay, a cosmetic practitioner, otolaryngologist, and hair transplant surgeon, says hair loss can be caused by “genetic reasons (male or female pattern baldness) or due to smoking, lack of sleep, lack of sleep, etc. It may be due to acquired factors,” he added. Diet, stress, recent viral infections, and even autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata can be to blame. “
Why does hair thin as we age?
Again, thinning hair can have many causes. “Hormonal changes and genetic factors play a major role. In addition to this, stress, smoking, exposure to environmental pollution, poor diet and lack of sleep also contribute to a gradual decrease in hair loss and hair density. said Dr. Sardesay.
Common remedies to cure hair loss
Common treatments to cure hair loss include:
– anti-hair loss serum containing various peptides and growth factors,
– Hair loss prevention medicated shampoo, hair growth supplement,
– other topical serums such as minoxidil or redensyl
– Finasteride as a serum or pill to combat male pattern baldness.
Treatments such as:
– hair mesotherapy,
– Laser helmet with laser light therapy can be used at home twice a day
Lifestyle changes to help manage hair loss
Dr. Singh shared some lifestyle changes that can help prevent hair loss. they are:
– Balanced diet – Eat 2-3 servings of seasonal fruits and 4-5 servings of vegetables each day for balanced nutrition. Vegetables can also be boiled, but should not be overcooked or overcooked, as vitamins will be lost.
-Consume protein with every meal- Examples: dal, kithdi, peanuts, sprouts.
– Contains dietary fiber – A high-fiber diet is important. Avoid processed and carbohydrate-rich foods such as maida and sugar, as they cause hormonal imbalance.
– sleep cycle – circadian rhythm must obey. Good sleep helps keep your thyroid healthy. Melatonin, a sleep-inducing neurotransmitter, is also released appropriately when circadian rhythms are in place, and melatonin secretion is closely related to good thyroid function and healthy black hair.
– regular exercise – Exercise helps increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your organs, including your hair. A minimum goal is 3 hours of exercise per week and 10,000 steps per day.
– sound mind – This can start with small steps, such as incorporating a relaxing routine for 15 minutes each day. For example, do activities such as journaling, doodling, art, dancing, or listening to soothing music. You can also drink a relaxing tea like jasmine or chamomile at bedtime, do meditation, yoga or EFT/tapping. All these activities keep stress at bay.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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