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Metabolic Disorders Increase Obesity-Related Cancer Risk

Metabolic Disorders Increase Obesity-Related Cancer Risk


One of the first studies to investigate this phenomenon reported that it was metabolically unhealthy. obesity The risk of obesity-related cancers is about 1.5 times higher, and the risk of certain cancers such as endometrial cancer, liver cancer and renal cell carcinoma is 2-3 times higher. Normal metabolically healthy weight.

Even so-called “metabolically healthy” obese people have an increased overall obesity-related cancer risk compared to normal-weight, metabolically healthy people. However, the association in this case is weaker than in metabolically unhealthy obese people.

“The phenotypic type of metabolic obesity is important when assessing obesity-related cancer risk,” said Dr. Ming Sang, principal investigator at Lund University, Malmö, Sweden. Medscape Medical News. “In general, metabolic disorders further increase obesity-induced cancer risk, suggesting that obesity and metabolic disorders are useful targets for prevention.”

“This synergistic effect is particularly bad when obesity and metabolic disorders occur at the same time,” added lead author Dr. Tanja Stocks, also from Lund University.

“But the data highlight that being obese or overweight alone increases cancer risk,” Stock said.

Sun said the findings have important public health implications, saying, “By targeting the coexistence of metabolic problems and obesity, specifically targeting obesity-related cancers in men, a significant number of It may prevent cancer cases,” he said.

The results will be presented as a poster by Sun at the European Obesity Conference (ECO) 2023 in Dublin, Ireland. published in the National Cancer Institute Journal.

Metabolic unhealthy obesity is worst for cancer risk

Dr Andrew G. Lenehan, Professor of Cancer Research and Surgery at the University of Manchester, UK, FRCS, welcomed the new research, saying a large number of studies have addressed this issue. ”[It] The metabolically unhealthy overweight and obese phenotypes provide a clear example of increased cancer risk relative to others. [metabolically] It’s a healthy overweight and obese phenotype,” he said.

“There is a clear need for clinically-based studies that address these hypotheses…but these studies are also needed to further investigate treatment options for metabolic disorders, both medical and surgical, and to address these hypotheses. Other aspects also need to be considered, such as the consequent metabolic control resulting from the intervention,” Lenehan said.

Dr. Bib Chittajal, Gastroenterologist, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in Ohio said it would be instructive to see another study that would further examine the link between obesity and the development of obesity-related cancers.

“This is an interesting study [because it focuses] about the role of metabolic syndrome We study obesity and how it affects the risk of developing obesity-related cancers,” he said. Medscape Medical News.

“We believe the results of this study further strengthen the need for improved management of obesity and metabolic syndrome to reduce the risk of obesity-related cancer formation, which contributes to preventable premature death in obese adults.” I have.”

Synergy between metabolic disorders and obesity and cancer risk

Sun et al. point out that obesity is an established risk factor for several cancers. Often accompanied by metabolic abnormalities, this has been commonly proposed as a mechanism linking obesity and cancer. Over the past decade, obesity, commonly referred to as ‘metabolic unhealthy obesity’ or ‘healthy obesity’, has been extensively studied in the cardiovascular field, with or without metabolic disorders. However, research on cancer is limited.

According to Sun, the new study is the first to look at the synergistic effects of unhealthy metabolism and body mass index (BMI), the latter of which was further classified as normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m3).2), overweight (BMI < 30 kg/m3)2) and obesity (BMI ≤ 30 kg/m3)2) — Association with cancer risk in the context of overall and site-specific cancers.

Data were extracted from 797,193 Europeans (Norway, Sweden, Austria), of whom 23,630 developed obesity-related cancers during the follow-up period.moderate blood pressure, plasma glucose, and Neutral fat It was used to provide a measure of healthy or unhealthy metabolic state. The relative risk (hazard ratio, HR) of overall and site-specific cancers was determined. Comparisons were made with normal weight metabolically healthy people (substantially controls).

Combining various metabolic scores and BMI, participants were grouped into six categories. Metabolic unhealthy obesity (6.8% of participants). Metabolic Healthy Obese (3.4%), Metabolic Unhealthy Overweight (15.4%), Metabolic Healthy Overweight (19.8%), Metabolic Unhealthy Normal Weight (12.5%), Metabolic Healthy normal weight (42.0%).

metabolically unhealthy obese women The overall hazard ratio (HR) for obesity-related cancers compared with metabolically healthy normal weight women was 1.43. Of particular note is her risk of two types of cancer in metabolically unhealthy obese women.renal cancer (HR of 2.43), and endometrial cancerthe HR compared to controls was 3.0.

Even metabolically healthy obese women had an increased risk of endometrial cancer (compared with metabolically healthy normal weight women), with a HR of 2.36.

“Looking at individual cancers, especially endometrial cancer, this appears to be more due to obesity than to metabolic factors,” Stocks said..

For men, the HR for overall obesity-related cancer risk was 1.91 in metabolically unhealthy obese men compared with metabolically healthy normal weight men. Specifically, the risks include: renal cell carcinoma HR more than doubled at 2.59.Human Resources Department colon cancer was 1.85. rectal cancer and pancreatic cancer were similar and both had a HR of 1.32.

Again, metabolically healthy obese men were at lower risk, but still at higher risk than metabolically healthy normal weight men.

European Obesity Congress (ECO) 2023. Summary P2.027. It will be announced on Friday, May 19, 2023.

sun, stock, chitajal, and Renehan did not report any related financial relationships.

National Cancer Institute 2023;115:456-467. full text

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