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Can NYC Subway Disinfection Help Kill COVID-19? Expert considers


New york city Its shutdown subway At night, test powerful UV lamps to disinfect seats, poles, floors, Coronavirus.. Experts are now considering whether these unprecedented and expensive procedures would be beneficial in slowing viral outbreaks.

The method of cleaning created something that commuters have never seen, or perhaps ever, before: thousands of freshly washed cars that look, feel, and even smell.

According to experts, these removals reduce the threat of catching the virus, but the benefits are limited.

Robin Garshon, a professor of clinical epidemiology at New York University, told The Associated Press that the virus could be transmitted primarily through airborne droplets-“it can be everywhere, nowhere”.

You cannot clean a train car in the maintenance yard at night or during the day as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York does. Help transportation employees or passengers get stuck in narrow spaces with people who cough..

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Wearing a face mask “best protects us and has that control ourselves,” Garshon said. “I think the rest is really an illusion. It’s not a small thing because it plays with our spirit.”

Patrick Warren, MTA Chief Safety Officer, said the agency’s aggressive cleaning and disinfection began when it warned that the virus could easily be transmitted from hard surfaces-since airborne transmission. Guidance evolved to focus on.

“Like science, so is what we do,” Warren said.

The New York subway system typically serves more than 5 million passengers a day, but passenger numbers fell by more than 90%. Pandemic height.. The MTA forecasts that a pandemic will cost more than $10 billion by next year, coupled with a sharp drop in revenue from toll bridges and tunnels. The cleaning program could cost hundreds of millions of dollars, officials said.

Is it worth the price? Ah Investigation Of the 1,000 public transport passengers conducted by the New York-based advocacy group, the Tri-State Transportation campaign, hopes that cleaning will make it easier for people to comfortably ride public transport again. He was above the list of actions he had taken.

“But how wasteful we are now, or are we going too far into the security theater,” said Nick Sifuentes, Executive Director recently.

Dr. David Brenner, director of the Radiology Center at the University of Columbia Irving Medical Center, assisted the MTA with the UV Light Pilot Program. He said cleaning is “not an ideal solution, but it is an available solution.”

“I think public safety will improve as the virus returns to zero every day instead of continuously accumulating,” Brenner told AP. “Continuous decontamination of air throughout the day would be a much better solution.”

It remains a possibility. Two studies in 2018 and this month show that low levels of certain types of UV light (far UVC light) circulate continuously in confined spaces, killing some forms of human coronavirus as effectively as before. We have concluded that it can be UV light.

If found to be effective against the virus that causes COVID-19, far UV lights can also provide a whole new level of protection for passengers and transportation employees.

The MTA has already tested another form of UV light to disinfect the cars in the subway, but because of the negative effects on people, it can only be done on the premises when the cars are not in use. A limited pilot program costs about $1 million.

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Associated Press contributed to this report.

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