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Study claims mask-wearing is still required in medical settings

Study claims mask-wearing is still required in medical settings
Study claims mask-wearing is still required in medical settings


In recent studies, Annals of Internal Medicine The journal argued that it is not the (appropriate) time to stop using masks in medical settings.

study: When it comes to patient safety, it’s not the time to remove masks in medical settings. Image credit: GroundPicture/


As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency is lifted, hospitals must decide to phase out some mitigation strategies. Decisions to adjust institutional policies on infection control and prevention are complex and depend on various institutional and local factors.

Controversy surrounding mask-wearing in communities during the COVID-19 pandemic has erupted, in part due to a lack of high-quality evidence to support it. efficacy And politicized by wearing a mask.

To date, most studies on mask efficacy have methodological limitations, and nearly all studies have suboptimally adhered to mask use. It’s hard to demonstrate that masks work if they’re used inconsistently.

The authors suggest that masking should continue during interactions between healthcare professionals and patients for patient safety, despite the lack of clinical efficacy trials.

Masks limit particle diffusion

Laboratory tests have shown that facemasks and surgical masks can effectively limit the spread of droplets and aerosols from infected individuals. coronavirus and the flu.

Masks are not 100% effective, but they reduce the number of virus particles released during coughing and communication, reducing risk. Additionally, transmission from healthcare workers to patients or vice versa, which can occur even when both are wearing masks, is uncommon.

Since medical workers continue to work even when they are sick, presenteeism has resulted in the need to continuously wear masks in medical settings.

Some studies admit that up to two-thirds of healthcare workers work with respiratory symptoms. Presenteeism is well documented during outbreaks of respiratory viruses associated with healthcare.

Through interviews, the authors investigated presenteeism in one of the hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

More than 50% of staff who requested asymptomatic testing and later tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 admitted to having COVID-19-related symptoms at the time of testing, highlighting the problem of presenteeism. It’s becoming Nonetheless, no patient transmission occurred despite proximity in providing care.

Masking in medical settings

People who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or influenza may develop mild symptoms that may be misidentified as non-infectious. Moreover, one-third of his SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infections are asymptomatic, but infection in susceptible individuals can be severe and life-threatening.

Hospitals with immunocompromised or elderly patients will face challenges when stopping measures.

A universal masking technique may not be the only option. Other approaches can also be applied depending on the clinical setting. Examples include respiratory virus season, early fall, and mask wearing throughout wards with patients at risk for respiratory sequelae.

Benefits and unintended consequences of masks should continue to be validated in clinical settings, and major limitations of masking, such as communication impedance, should be addressed by modifying or redesigning masks.

Despite the pitfalls of masks, medical institutions have performed well during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some argue that universal masking is impractical for patient care.

During the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, doctors pointed out that gloves could not be used even if infection was possible.

Nonetheless, medical professionals are making adjustments and gloves are accepted as standard precautions and have become standard treatment.


It is noteworthy that mask use reduced healthcare-associated infections of nearly all respiratory viruses, not just SARS-CoV-2, in some facilities. Additionally, a recent survey of epidemiologists across the United States suggested that most (97%) were unenthusiastic about removing masks in facilities.

While this sentiment may have changed in the past few months, many experts favor using masks to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. Therefore, the authors argue that mask-wearing should not be discontinued in healthcare settings for patient safety.




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