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Chlamydia infestation in Great Barrier Reef corals stuns researchers

Chlamydia infestation in Great Barrier Reef corals stuns researchers



View of Heart Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Photo/123rf

Researchers have made a startling discovery on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, discovering that coral communities on the iconic reef contain bacteria closely associated with human sexually transmitted diseases.

Like koalas, which harbor similar bacteria, these coral colonies are infected with the bacteria that cause chlamydia.

A team of researchers from the University of Melbourne found two types of bacterial invasion in coral tissue, one that they said resembled a type that can infect humans (Chlamydia). daily mail.

Dr Justin Mare, who heads the Melbourne team, said the discovery was “a bit of a surprise”.


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According to Yahoo, the lead author of the study, Dr. Mare, said, “This is not necessarily coral decline. There is widespread chlamydia in the environment that can infect everything from amoebas to humans to koalas. exists,” he said. “And many of them aren’t actually pathogenic.”

Researchers believe the bacteria won’t spread over a wide area and may actually help the corals.Dr. Maia also said: yahoo news It may help this bacterium survive the effects of climate change.

“This bacterium may obtain nutrients and energy from other coral-associated bacteria, and for those of us seeking to understand coral biology, it is the interaction of bacteria living within coral tissue. The possibilities are very interesting,” said Dr. Mr Maile said. new atlas.

“One of my lab’s focus areas is to develop coral biomass that can help improve coral tolerance and survival against heat stress caused by climate warming,” said study co-author Madeleine Van Oppen. development of bacterial probiotics for


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Corals react to ocean heatwaves and turn white as a result of chemical reactions. This is also evident in other reefs around the world.

Coral bed bleaching is a detrimental process that can take decades to recover, destroying ecosystems that depend on healthy corals to thrive.

The University of Melbourne research was conducted jointly by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (Townsville) and the University of Vienna. It was published in Sciences Advances earlier this week.

Researchers want to explore the role bacteria play in corals in more detail to determine potential benefits.

The researchers said they hoped the bacterial strain could help corals synthesize B vitamins and mitigate the effects of bleaching. daily mail.




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