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Newly discovered molecule effectively destroys senescent cells

Newly discovered molecule effectively destroys senescent cells


Over time, the body’s cells begin to malfunction and accumulate, ultimately leading to tissue aging. UOC researchers, in collaboration with the University of Leicester (UK), have discovered a new molecule that can destroy old cells without affecting healthy cells. This paves the way for slowing the aging of bodily tissues and ultimately improving human quality of life and life expectancy. So far, the results have been published in open access format in the journal. agingis obtained in the cell in vitroAnd testing with animal models is about to begin.

During a person’s life, cells are subjected to various stresses such as solar radiation, which accumulates mutations. At some point, the body activates defense mechanisms to prevent tumors from developing. That is, the cell either “suicides” in a process known as apoptosis or enters a sort of “zombie” state between life and life called senescence. When it dies, it ceases to function even though it is still alive. It also begins manufacturing products that recreate the zombie state with other healthy cells around it. When the organism is young, the immune system can eliminate these cells and cleanse the tissue.

However, as a person ages, the immune system loses this maintenance. It’s unclear why this happens. This means that these zombie cells start accumulating in our tissues, impairing their function and leading to aging.

Studies in animals have shown that administering drugs called senolytics that can remove these old cells can improve life expectancy and quality of life in animals.

Researchers, led by Professor Salvador Masip, UOC Dean of Health Sciences and Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Leicester, have identified a molecule called CUDC-907 that destroys old cells very efficiently and specifically, with few side effects. . healthy cells.

The drug we identified is a potent killer of old cells, and its effects on some cancers are currently being investigated, suggesting that it acts against cancer-producing old cells as well as having anti-cancer effects. It can have a double effect. again. “

Professor Salvador Masip, Dean of Health Sciences, UOC, Professor of Molecular Medicine, University of Leicester

In cancer, the drug, which works by blocking two cell signaling pathways, one of which was previously unknown and discovered by Macip’s team, can be treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It has been studied to remove extensively damaged but unaffected cells. They don’t die, they age, and tumors can develop again. “If you give this drug along with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, you can destroy these zombie cells, and in doing so, you can significantly reduce the cancer’s recurrence,” Masip said.

In this study, researchers used different models of human cancer cells and found that the dual inhibitor CUDC-907 eliminated certain types of senescent cells with limited side effects. In the future, they plan to start experimenting with animal models, and if they get good results, they will also experiment with humans. Researchers believe the drug could also have applications in diseases involving the accumulation of senescent cells, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

“Perhaps intensive administration of this drug could clear the brain and prevent disease progression. It could also help slow the progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis rather than aging itself.” There is potential,” Masip said.


Reference magazines:

Al-Mansur, F. other. (2023). Characterization of the HDAC/PI3K inhibitor CUDC-907 as a novel senolytic agent. aging.




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