Towards a Future of Personalized Medicine and Empowering Patients
A recent study published in the journal natural agingresearchers emphasized the need to shift focus to the pre-dementia stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) for a future where personalized medicine for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) becomes available.
perspective: Towards a future where the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease is stopped before the onset of dementia. Image credit: Olawan Patalawimonchai / Shutterstock
Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia and subsequently one of the major medical challenges of the 21st century, currently has no cure.
Advances in biomarkers of AD pathology have made it possible to estimate the number of people in the predementia stage of AD. According to some preliminary estimates, 69 million (M) patients have mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and more than 300 million have preclinical AD.
The former is a prodromal stage of AD in which cognitive deficits appear but remain inadequate for a diagnosis of dementia. In preclinical AD, patients do not experience any signs or symptoms of dementia. Nonetheless, the need to distinguish between the concepts of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is undeniable, as delayed diagnosis significantly compromises patient quality of life and places a burden on healthcare infrastructure and health care professionals (HCPs). it is clear.
A treatment strategy that can delay the onset of dementia and progression of Alzheimer’s disease in a timely fashion could significantly reduce the socioeconomic burden of the disease by enabling patients and their families to self-manage the disease. There is a nature.
Most importantly, such treatments may help rescue the brain, which is normally impossible when Alzheimer’s disease manifests itself as dementia. Luckily, studies show that it takes him 20 to 30 years for Alzheimer’s to develop, so opportunities to take preventative measures are very abundant.
About research
In this study, researchers reviewed the importance of Alzheimer’s disease-modifying drugs, lifestyle interventions, molecular diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease by blood-based biomarkers, digital and genetic tools. In addition, we emphasized the need to invest in individualizing patient risk profiles to gather prognostic information on all relevant patient outcomes.
In addition, it recommended that patients at high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease adopt a holistic approach to staying committed to their health and disease management, with easy and affordable access to healthcare facilities.
Overall, they described a futuristic approach in which patient-coordinated AD care can help achieve timely and accurate diagnoses to prevent dementia in AD patients.
From prevention to diagnosis, prediction and personalized care for Alzheimer’s disease
Complementary, non-mutually exclusive pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies are available for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The former effectively slows the progression of symptoms, but only if given in the pre-dementia stage. For example, aducanumab and lecanemab are two drugs with AD-modulating properties. However, several challenges hinder their integration into clinical care.
The broad portfolio of Alzheimer’s disease therapeutic targets found in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease research is increasingly focused on Alzheimer’s disease risk genes, including apolipoprotein E (ApoE). The study also identified 12 modifiable risk factors responsible for 40% of dementia risk, making them attractive targets for lifestyle interventions.
In the future, personalized medicine for Alzheimer’s disease will link disease regulation to specific types of pathology, making molecular diagnostics important. However, the standard diagnostic work-up now includes neuropsychological examination of daily activities.
Cognitive screening tests are available at memory clinics. For example, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) shows cognitive function. Moreover, data on the genetic determinants of Alzheimer’s disease are rapidly increasing, suggesting that future diagnostic workups will incorporate genomics.
A computer-enabled, digital version of a paper-and-pencil test allows more data points to be extracted, saving costs, shortening administration times, and making patient visits more patient-friendly. Also, customized prognostic information and individualized risk prediction will be available to identify patients who will benefit most from specific prevention strategies.
However, the authors emphasized that all these efforts require active patient involvement from the beginning. They may start a dementia risk assessment at home. Since then, medical practitioners have been able to accurately predict disease stages and make molecular diagnoses. It can also identify individuals who would benefit from personalized prevention strategies.
However, educating healthcare professionals to best guide patients throughout their journey and support shared decision-making processes is an essential prerequisite. Another prerequisite for patient-coordinated and personalized care is to inform patients and their families about the disease and its course, what to expect from diagnostic tests.
In conclusion, this study provides perspectives for the future of personalized medicine for Alzheimer’s disease, where patients and healthcare professionals are actively involved in disease management through customized combinations of lifestyle interventions and disease-modifying therapies. ing. It will help timely target the pathology of AD to delay or prevent the onset of dementia altogether.
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