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Can stroke cause dementia?

Can stroke cause dementia?


senior woman sitting in bed

Stroke and cerebrovascular accidents are serious conditions that affect the blood vessels of the brain. When the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain become blocked or burst, brain cells die and the brain cannot get enough blood and oxygen (ischemia). It can also permanently damage brain cells if blood flow is not restored quickly. Cognitive decline may occur, depending on which part of the brain is affected.

Can stroke cause dementia?

About a quarter of people who have a stroke develop dementia months later.clinical neuropsychology expert Dr. Vaishali Fatakdescribes how stroke causes dementia.

“Stroke affects thinking areas such as memory, speech, language, reaction time, and attention,” Dr. Fatak says. “A person with stroke-related cognitive changes is diagnosed with two conditions, mild cognitive impairment or vascular dementia, depending on its severity.”

With mild cognitive impairment (MCI), people notice changes in their memory and mental functioning. This includes decisions, trains of thought, judgments, following conversations, etc. These changes usually do not affect daily life or activities. MCI may increase the risk of dementia and other brain disorders. Vascular dementia is a more severe cognitive diagnosis.

“Vascular dementia is a thinking disorder severe enough to affect people’s ability to care for themselves,” Dr. Fatak says. “This can occur after a single stroke or a series of small strokes. When cognitive function changes after a stroke, it is more abrupt and pronounced. When vascular dementia occurs after a mild stroke.” , cognitive impairment develops more slowly.”

Dr. Fatak also says a stroke can make dementia worse. Stroke can worsen dementia, so it’s important for people with dementia due to Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease to take care of their blood vessel health.

What Causes Vascular Dementia?

Vascular dementia occurs when the blood and oxygen flow to the brain is blocked and the blood vessels of the brain are damaged. People with vascular dementia often show abnormalities in their brains on MRI scans. These also include small strokes with less noticeable symptoms that cause extensive damage to the brain.

Some people with vascular dementia also have “mixed dementia,” which includes brain damage from Alzheimer’s disease and vascular disease.

What are the risk factors for post-stroke dementia?

Symptoms of dementia do not always appear after a stroke. Risk factors for developing dementia after a stroke include:

  • previous stroke-People who have had previous strokes may have cognitive impairment, and a second stroke may cause further impairment
  • heart attack– Heart attack survivors can develop complications in blood vessels in the brain
  • Diabetes– Small blood vessels may be damaged, increasing the risk of stroke
  • atrial fibrillation– Heart disease, which increases the risk of stroke due to damage to blood vessels in the brain
  • high blood pressure– Damage to blood vessels in the brain increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke

In addition, overweight or obesity, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking can increase the risk of damage to blood vessels in and around the brain and the development of blood clots. Family history and age (over 65) also increase the risk of stroke.

What are the symptoms of vascular dementia?

Dr. Fatak explains that vascular dementia affects memory, thinking and behavioral changes. Other symptoms include:

  • changes in sleep patterns
  • confusion
  • vision problems
  • Exercise capacity
  • problem solving
  • I’m lost
  • forget what happened
  • hallucinations or delusions
  • misplaced items

How is stroke-related dementia treated?

There is no cure for dementia, but treatment can reduce symptoms and prevent cognitive decline from getting worse. It is best to discuss your symptoms with your doctor and develop a treatment plan. In addition to medications, doctors may also suggest tips for managing dementia, such as making lists, following routines, and playing games that promote cognitive function.

Healthy life choices and lifestyle changes can reduce the chance of developing vascular dementia. Quitting smoking, exercising, drinking less, and eating healthier are just a few ways to improve vascular health.

Do you provide dementia care?
If you or someone you love is having trouble misplacing things, forgetting events, or remembering directions, we can help. Please call 800.922.0000 Book an appointment with one of our specialists.




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