Scientists understand how a rare genetic mutation makes women feel no pain
the scientist Researchers have uncovered how a rare genetic mutation in women allows them to live with little pain and no anxiety or fear.
Expert from University of London (UCL) discovered how mutations in the FAAH-OUT gene work at the molecular level, enabling Joe Cameron’s work. Scotlandso as not to feel pain.
The same biological mechanism is thought to lead to faster wound healing.
The researchers said the findings, published in the journal Brain, open the door to research into new drugs related to pain management and wound healing.
“By understanding exactly what’s going on at the molecular level, we can begin to understand the biology involved, which can lead to drug discovery,” said UCL Medicine professor James Cox, senior author of the study. It opens up the possibility of It is a day that will have a far-reaching positive impact on patients. “
Cameron, 75, who lives near Loch Ness in the Highlands, said in 2019 that UCL scientists discovered that a previously unknown mutation in the FAAH-OUT gene made him unable to feel pain, stress and fear. announced and became a hot topic.
At the age of 65, she discovered the condition and sought treatment for her hip problems. Although she was in no pain, she was found to have severe joint degeneration.
A few months later, she underwent hand surgery at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, a procedure that is normally very painful, but reported no pain afterward.
building As a result of that study, the researchers found that FAAH-OUT mutations “reduced” the expression of FAAH genes associated with pain, mood and memory.
The researchers found that Cameron’s level of enzymatic activity in the FAAH gene was significantly reduced.
They also analyzed tissue samples to study the effects of FAAH gene mutations on other molecular pathways and found increased activity of another gene known as WNT16, previously associated with bone formation.
The researchers also found changes in two other genes, BDNF and ACKR3, which they believe may contribute to Cameron’s lower anxiety, fear and pain-free life. said.
The lead author of the study, Dr. Andrei Okorokov, also from UCL Medicine, said, “The FAAH-OUT gene is just a tiny corner of a vast continent, and this study has begun to map it out.
“Like the molecular basis of analgesia, these searches have identified molecular pathways that influence wound healing and mood, all of which are affected by FAAH-OUT mutations.
“As scientists, it is our duty to explore, and I believe these findings have important implications for research areas such as wound healing and depression.”
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