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Could these “dietary mistakes” lead to diabetes?

Could these “dietary mistakes” lead to diabetes?


Diabetes, a chronic health condition The disease, which greatly affects the body’s ability to convert food into energy, is commonly known as the “silent killer” because patients with the condition may not always show symptoms at first. However, if the disease is not detected in time or left uncontrolled, it can affect the entire body, including the cardiovascular system, vision, and even kidney function. Therefore, it is absolutely important for diabetics to: Lifestyle and diet changeAlso, exercise and sleep well to keep your blood sugar in check.

To help you make the right choice, Ayurvedic expert Dr. Dixa Babusar Savalya shared on Instagram “Dietary Mistakes That Can Lead to Pre-Diabetes and Ultimately Diabetes.” “If you are pre-diabetic or have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, you can avoid pills and use Ayurvedic herbs and supplements to avoid pills and use Ayurvedic routine, lifestyle, diet, breathing and exercise, and Ayurvedic herbs and supplements.” I can assure you that it can be cured vedically, and if you are already on medication, you can reduce or even stop taking it continuously over time,” she says. captioned the post.

But can diabetes be “cured”?

talk to indianexpress.comDiabetologist Dr. Rajiv Kovil, president of Zandra Healthcare, co-founder of the Ran de Neela Initiative and executive director of the United Diabetes Forum, says that both diabetes and pre-diabetes “go into remission, not full recovery.” I may enter,” he said.

Add that lifestyle plays an important role in treatment. prediabetes For diabetes, he said, “it includes factors such as dietary choices, exercise and adequate nutrition.” sleepy 8-9 hours. Focusing on these aspects can help individuals effectively manage their condition. ”

So I asked Dr. Covil for his opinion on the dietary changes Dr. Sabariya suggested.

1. Avoid eating cards every day. Eating curds every day can lead to weight gain, inflammation, poor metabolism.

Dr. Covil disagreed with the proposal, stating that “there is no scientific basis or evidence to suggest that people with diabetes should avoid taking cards.” In fact, unless you have a specific intolerance to curd, including it in your diet can be beneficial. ”

2. Avoid late or heavy dinners. A heavy dinner can increase the burden on your liver, slow down your metabolism, and ultimately lead to nutritional deficiencies and more.

“Yes, it is recommended that people with diabetes or pre-diabetes have an early and light dinner. It has been observed that this increases blood sugar levels and causes fasting hyperglycemia.In addition, fast eating tends to contribute to the maintenance of a healthy weight.Therefore, an early and light dinner is recommended. I will,” he added.

3. Avoid eating beyond your appetite or capacity so that it leads obesitycholesterol, digestive problems.

“Diabetic patients should avoid overeating or exceeding their appetite limits,” Dr. Coville agrees.

Four. Do not eat when you have no appetite (when you are already full). Alternatively, eating every 1-2 hours will reduce insulin sensitivity.

Covil advises against overeating, but said eating at regular intervals might not be so bad. “It is important to eat at regular intervals rather than relying solely on hunger cues. Individuals should follow a timed meal schedule, with meals spaced every two to three hours. This approach. facilitates better control. Blood glucose level And it provides long-term benefits for diabetes management, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and overall health,” he explained.

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