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Are U.S. adolescents aware of the health risks associated with consuming sugary drinks?

Are U.S. adolescents aware of the health risks associated with consuming sugary drinks?


In a recent study published in nutrients In the journal, researchers discussed the correlation between perceived health risks and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs).

Study: Association between health risk knowledge and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in US adolescents. Image credit: monticello/Shutterstock.comstudy: Associations between health risk knowledge and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in US adolescents. Image credit: monticello/


American teenagers get most of their added sugar from SSB. Studies have shown conflicting results regarding the relationship between an adolescent’s nutritional knowledge and her SSB intake.

A study in Australia found that teens aged 12 to 17 who were aware of the health risks associated with soft drinks tended to consume less.

However, in the United States, studies have shown that knowledge of SSB-related health risks in adolescents or their parents/carers does not significantly affect daily SSB intake. Further research is needed to address the inconsistent results of previous studies on her SSB consumption in young people.

About research

In this study, researchers investigated the correlation between adolescents’ awareness of SSB-related health hazards and SSB consumption.

A cross-sectional study used summer wave data from the Porter Novelli Public Service Style Survey. These studies were online panel studies and included the uninstitutionalized US population. The survey covered a variety of topics including health-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors.

Participants who completed the SpringStyles survey were sent a SummerStyles survey in June 2021. The SpringStyles survey was conducted over his March-April 2021 period and was attended by his 10,919 participants aged 18 and over.

Of these, 3,128 had children between the ages of 12 and 17. Her 6,455 adults responded to the SpringStyles survey. The survey was answered by 1,751 adolescents and approximately 4,085 adults, including YouthStyles, which was answered by 833 adolescents aged 12 to 17.

This study measured the frequency of SSB consumption in adolescents using a self-report question asking how many times they had consumed soda, sports or energy drinks, fruit drinks, or other SSB in the past 7 days.

Survey response options included “never,” “1-6 times a week,” “once a day,” “twice a day,” “three times a day,” and “at least 4 times a day.” It was Researchers used three different frequency categories to assess daily intake of SSB: never, 1-6 times per week, and at least 1 time per day. .


The study included more than 800 adolescents, more than half of whom were males aged 12 and 14 and older. The majority were non-Hispanic whites, and 81% had parents who were married or had a domestic partnership.

The research team noted that more than one-third of parents took SSB at least twice a day. Most adolescents know that SSB consumption can lead to weight gain, tooth decay, and diabetes. However, a small percentage of adolescents were aware that SSB drinking may contribute to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and certain cancers.

The researchers found that the association between dental caries and SSB consumption varied according to factors such as adolescent age, race and ethnicity, gender, parental race and ethnicity, and census region of residence. The association between weight gain and her SSB intake varies widely based on factors such as race, ethnicity, and marital status of the adolescent and parent.

The association between diabetes and SSB consumption varied based on factors such as adolescent race and ethnicity, parental age and race and ethnicity, and region of residence, according to census data.

The association between hypertension and SSB intake varies by factors such as the adolescent’s race/ethnicity, parental sex, race/ethnicity, and SSB intake. The association between high cholesterol and SSB intake varies widely by race and ethnicity of adolescents and their parents.

Furthermore, the association between SSB intake and heart disease varied by adolescent sex, parental age, sex, and marital status. The association between SSB intake and specific cancers varied significantly by parental sex.


Perceptions of SSB-related health risks among American teens vary by condition, ranging from 18% knowledge of specific cancers to 75% knowledge of weight gain and tooth decay, according to study results. It has been shown.

Although adolescents have associated tooth decay, diabetes, and weight gain with SSB consumption, they are less likely to link SSB consumption with hypertension, heart disease, high cholesterol, and certain cancers.

A lack of recognized associations between SSB consumption and weight gain, heart disease, and certain cancers increased the likelihood of daily SSB consumption.

The researchers believe that interventions may prioritize raising specific knowledge that may influence SSB intake to promote well-being among young people.




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