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CDC reports increase in mpox cases as officials prepare for summer resurgence

CDC reports increase in mpox cases as officials prepare for summer resurgence
CDC reports increase in mpox cases as officials prepare for summer resurgence


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tallied 21 more mpox cases this week. Formerly called monkeypoxAuthorities are now preparing for the following possibilities: come back in the next few months.

Illinois has the highest percentage of new cases, 9 new cases Reported to CDC. New York and Maryland each counted three additional infections.

Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Utah and Virginia each had one more MPX case than last week.

The agency recently sent officials to investigate a number of cases. Around ChicagoThis includes several infections in fully vaccinated men. Health officials say the outbreak is mainly related to sexual intercourse between men.

“The CDC is working with the Chicago Department of Health to investigate this cluster, specifically why we are seeing more vaccinated cases than expected,” said Dr. Christopher Braden, CDC’s head of mpox response. said. recent calls with clinicians.

One theory being explored is that the virus may have evolved mutations to evade the two-dose ginneos vaccine that was deployed last year to protect against the virus.

It is unknown when samples from the cases will be sequenced. A spokeswoman for the Chicago Public Health Department did not respond to a request for comment.

Scientists at the CDC warn they have found other worrying mutations. virus that causes mpox disease, still called monkeypox virus.

and unpublished research The CDC reported the emergence of monkeypox strains that have not yet been peer-reviewed but show signs of resistance to tecovirimato, a leading antiviral drug. used to treat patients. One such worrying variant was also detected in an “outbreak” around Los Angeles. This suggests that drug-resistant monkeypox can be transmitted from person to person, at least in “rare cases.”

Overall, the United States remains average Fewer than three cases are reported each day, far fewer than the hundreds reported last summer.

A total of 32 cases have been confirmed so far in May. A total of 41 people were infected with mpox last month.

But authorities have been warning for months about the imminent risk of a resurgence of the disease this year in communities most at risk of infection, including men who have sex with men, beginning with travel and festivals around Pride Month in June.

“The risk of short-term clusters and outbreaks is high, especially during the warmer months when outbreaks can be large, and planned gatherings can lead to increased skin-to-skin contact and sexual activity,” Braden said. has potential,” he said.

of chicago cluster The Biden administration will also begin to consider whether changes to its vaccine strategy, such as additional boosters, will be needed soon.

White House Dr. Demetre Daskarakis told reporters last week, “We already convened officials within the U.S. government shortly after we confirmed the cluster in Chicago and asked them what data we were getting. We talked about whether we needed to change anything.” .

Daskalakis said the CDC is still making requests for now. Americans at risk Only the first two doses of the Jynneos vaccine are required.

CDC modeling suggest A vaccine could slow the scale of a resurgence of infections, even if immunity starts to wane. the study A report released last week suggested that two doses were 66% to 86% effective in the early days of the epidemic.

in progress the study The numbers of vaccinated residents in California and Washington, D.C., and findings in Chicago may open the door for further vaccinations.

“From the point of view of having a scientific debate, we are working on it and obviously we are really calibrating our strategy based on what the science is showing us, as evidenced by our track record in response. I do,” said Daskarakis.




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