Repel pests and keep them out of your home
For camping, barbecues, swimming, vacationing, and whatever summer brings, there are some really nasty aspects to the warmer months. Mosquitoes are a summer nuisance, especially when they destroy your backyard fire and leave itchy and painful bite marks.
Mosquitoes outside are a different matter, but pests invading your home can make you feel uncomfortable and unsanitary. Mosquitoes buzzing around your head while you’re watching TV or trying to sleep can ruin a person’s mood and interfere with sleep.
Here’s how to prevent and get rid of mosquitoes this summer.
how to get rid of mosquitoes
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, indoor mosquitoes congregate in dark, damp areas such as under sinks, showers, closets, laundry rooms, and under furniture. Once they get indoors, they may start laying eggs in your home.
The first step you can take to minimize mosquito infestations in and around your home is to check for and remove standing water. One of the most common examples is a tray under potted plants to catch excess water. Elmer Graya public health extension specialist at the University of Georgia.
“If you have houseplants on your deck and you have mosquitoes, chances are you’re growing them there,” says Gray.
Check your home and garden for areas where water could be standing. This can happen with things like old tires that have collected rain water or dog food utensils left outside. tree hole, Rainwater buckets, gutters, trash cans, etc.
Another preventive measure is to screen the doors and windows. Gray calls this the “first line of defense” against insects. Mosquitoes thrive in warmer environments, so you might be tempted to let the summer breeze in through your windows, but make sure your screens are working to keep them out.
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how to kill mosquitoes
It is important to contact your local mosquito control district or public health department if preventive measures alone are not enough to get rid of mosquitoes and mosquito larvae in your home and surroundings. Local mosquito control programs can help investigate infected areas. recommend a solutionsays Gray.
Mosquitoes are often treated with the following remedies: Environmental Protection Agency Approved Larvicide and adult killeris an insecticide used to kill mosquitoes in various stages.
But when it comes to mosquitoes roaming outdoors, Gray recommends having a realistic view that mosquitoes are a part of your life.
“Mosquitoes are part of the environment. There will always be a few mosquitoes,” says Gray. “Mosquito control is not about getting rid of all mosquitoes. I’m just there.”
how to repel mosquitoes
While mosquito bites may be unavoidable in the summer, there are many effective ways to prevent mosquito bites.
Repellents containing DEET are the “gold standard” for EPA-approved products, Gray said. Considered safe for adults and children use. DEET makes it difficult for biting insects such as ticks and mosquitoes to smell us.
Plant-based products like lemon eucalyptus oil are also effective repellents against mosquitoes, but they don’t last as long as DEET, Gray said.
“Get enough coverage. If you don’t spot one side of your face or care for one side of your face, mosquitoes will congregate on that side of your face,” says Gray. He advises parents to spray the repellent on their hands and rub it on their child instead of spraying it directly. The same goes for your face. Spray it on your hands and then rub it in.
Mosquitoes decide on us as hosts after they first sense the carbon dioxide we exhale. The more active you are—running, jumping, expressing yourself—the more carbon dioxide is expressed and the more mosquitoes will be attracted to you. People who are calmer and more laid-back are less likely to be bitten, says Gray.
Another way to repel mosquitoes is to change your clothes. Light-colored, loose-fitting, breathable clothing and long sleeves are best, especially if you’re camping or spending time in the woods, says Gray.
“Most stinging flies are not very attracted to bright colors,” says Gray. “Using dark colors increases heat signatures and increases environmental contrast so children can see better.”
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