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Cervical Cancer: How ASHA Workers Are Leveraging Broader Rural Testing to Save Lives

Cervical Cancer: How ASHA Workers Are Leveraging Broader Rural Testing to Save Lives


In India, one woman dies from cervical cancer every eight minutes. But if new research published in the Lancet Journal of Public Health is to be believed, there may be a viable grassroots option for early screening of underserved and remote women. They found that mailing human papillomavirus (HPV) self-collection kits to an undertested population of women in the United States significantly increased cervical cancer screening rates. Dr Sumita Joshi, a leading preventive oncologist, said the model could be applied in India by motivating and training Certified Social Health Activists (ASHA). Women could be educated on how to use these kits, samples could be collected, and those that screen positive could lead to treatment.

Why is this study important? Given the insufficient coverage, is there a way to adapt it in India?

Early detection and treatment of the cervix cancer can save lives. In this study, the researchers found that among low-income U.S. women, undertested populations were significantly more likely to receive cervical cancer screening when HPV self-collection kits were mailed. Therefore, this study is important. Considering the logistics involved and the lack of awareness and health literacy among rural Indian women, I am not sure this mailing strategy will work in India. However, given ASHA’s grassroots public health work and its prevalence among women in rural areas, this model could be localized.

How can ASHA employees help?

Cervical cancer screening using dilute acetic acid (VIA) visual examination of the cervix is ​​now to be offered in all rural hospitals and primary health centers. The Pap test was introduced in developed countries about 60 years ago and there have been significant advances in the field since then. The government may begin vaccinating girls aged 9 to 14 with anti-cervical cancer vaccines in six states in June. HPV testing is currently expensive in India and there is a need for low cost options. When it becomes available, ASHA can be trained and motivated to educate women. A woman can then collect her HPV self-sample provided by the woman so that the proper logistics involved in collecting, storing and shipping the sample can be managed. Linking screen-positive women to treatment is also an important aspect, as screening is pointless if screen-positive women are not properly managed. ASHA can also play an important role in this area.

Where do we stand in terms of coverage?

India has a testing rate of less than 10%, while it is over 70% in the United States and some European countries.

Why is the burden of cervical cancer increasing in India?

Current estimates are that 1,23,907 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 77,348 die from it each year in India. According to the Catalan Oncology Institute and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in Indian women and the second most common among women aged 15-44. A study based on 2020 estimates from the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) reported her more than 600,000 new cases of cervical cancer and her more than 3.4 million deaths worldwide. Of these, India reported at least 21% of all cervical cancer cases.

Why is screening such a powerful tool as vaccination?

The vaccine is intended for adolescent girls and takes 30 to 40 years to become effective. However, adult women should be tested. Screening and proper management of women who test positive save lives. A large study conducted by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC-WHO) Screening Group found that adequate management of HPV-positive women after just one round of HPV screening reduced the incidence of infection and mortality. It has been shown that the rate can be reduced. to cervical cancer.




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