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Researchers find new standard for blood-based biomarkers in predicting cancer recurrence


Researchers find new standard for blood-based biomarkers in predicting cancer recurrence

The presence of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and circulating tumor cells (CTC) in the plasma of blood of women who received preoperative chemotherapy for the treatment of stage 1, 2, or 3 triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) Recent published studies are important indicators in predicting disease recurrence and disease-free survival JAMA Oncology..1,2

In addition, these discoveries allow researchers around the world to better stratify patients for testing during clinical trials.1,2

“These findings come from the Bella Bradley Foundation Breast Cancer Research Center at Indiana University. [IU]The School of Medicine enables the scientific basis for predicting recurrence and disease-free survival. Both of these are important questions for women who live a constant fear of the disease recurring.” A medical press release.2

In this study, the researchers analyzed plasma samples from the blood of 196 women. This analysis was the largest known dataset of patients to date and was part of a pre-planned secondary analysis of women in the BRE12-158 clinical trial.1,2

The researchers found that ctDNA detection was associated with poor outcomes in three important areas of patients: disease-free survival, disease-free survival, and overall survival. Furthermore, the researchers observed that the presence of ctDNA in combination with Ctc showed much worse results.1,2

Two years after surgery and chemotherapy, the researchers found that women with ctDNA in their blood had a disease-free survival of 56% and women without ctDNA had a disease-free survival of 81%.Patients with both ctDNA and CTC had distant disease-free survival of 52%, compared with 89% of patients with negative results for both markers.1,2

The researchers explained that one-third of TNBC patients achieve remission after surgery and chemotherapy. However, two-thirds of these patients continue to have disease and are at increased risk of recurrence.1,2

“The diagnosis of (TNBC) is very scary for patients. By using circulating tumor DNA and circulating tumor cells to detect and better predict recurrence, Dr. Schneider and Radvic will make treatment decisions. We’ve taken a big step towards making it more certain. We’re working on it,” said Mary Smith, co-founder of Research Advocacy Network, in a press release. “This important scientific advancement will still help personalize treatments for those who fight residual disease.”2

In the next PERSEVERE study, researchers will use the findings of this study to stratify women with TNBC based on whether the presence of ctDNA is positive. Such patients are assigned targeted therapies that match their particular genomic sequence. There is currently no cure for patients at high risk of recurrence, so this study is designed to help find the right treatment for these patients. In the coming months, researchers say they will have more information about PERSEVERE studies to publish.2

“This is a significant step forward in the treatment of women with triple-negative breast cancer, which has so far lacked scientific evidence to point out treatment of the disease,” said study co-author Bryan Schneider, MD. , IU Researcher, Press Release. “We will continue to use these findings until we find an effective treatment for an individual woman. Our efforts include finding the best way to kill cancer as well as minimizing side effects. It will be done.”2


  1. Radovich M, Jiang G, Hancock BA et al. Association of circulating tumor DNA and circulating tumor cells with disease recurrence after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with triple-negative breast cancer. JAMA Oncology.. 2020. doi: 10.1001 / jamaoncol.2020.2295.
  2. IU Findings Set New Criteria for Blood-Based Biomarkers in Predicting Cancer Recurrence [news release].. Indianapolis, Iowa: Indiana University School of Medicine; July 9, 2020. Accessed July 14, 2020.


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