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Studies link childhood adversity to later cognitive decline

Studies link childhood adversity to later cognitive decline


A recent study published in the journal scientific reportand others have investigated the role of different adversities experienced at different stages of the life course on cognitive aging (that is, levels and changes).

Research: Adversity specificity and lifetime exposure in cognitive aging. Image credit: / Shutterstockstudy: Specificity of Adversity and Lifetime Exposure to Cognitive Aging. Image credit: / Shutterstock


Previous studies have reported the effects of stress at various life stages on the frontal lobe, amygdala, and hippocampus, which are involved in functions related to memory, learning, and higher cognition. Associations between socioeconomic adversity in adulthood and cognitive performance have also been documented.

Adversity affects the cognition of aging, affecting both specific and cumulative experiences. Unfortunately, existing data on the impact of adversity on cognitive performance and change in older adults are conflicting, and understanding the effects of different adversities experienced at different stages of the life course on cognitive functioning and performance is critical. A comprehensive model is required.

About research

In this study, the researchers found that distinct adversities (parental bereavement, stress, hunger, and financial hardship) experienced during three life course periods (early life, early adulthood, and middle age) were associated with cognitive decline in older adults. We investigated what kind of role it plays in predicting ability. Changes in cognitive abilities (levels and changes in cognition) throughout age and the aging process.

Survey data from the European Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement (SHARE) of 2,662 individuals aged 60.0 and over (median age 68) were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The research team investigated whether adversity is associated with decreased verbal fluency (VF) performance and memory in older adults, and sharp declines in VF and memory during each life course.

Only individuals who had complete cognition-related data at all follow-ups (SHARE studies 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0) and had no suspected dementia in the first and second waves of the study ( ) and participants who completed the retrospective SHARELIFE questionnaire during the 3rd or 7th wave were included in this analysis.

The study began in 2004 and was conducted biennially from 2017 to 2018. An increase in cognitive performance was observed during the first and second waves, possibly due to a learning effect, followed by a downward trend. Therefore, only the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th wave data were analyzed to assess changes in cognition over time.

The research team assessed delayed recall by having participants recall 10 words spoken aloud during the study wave and then delaying the time to complete the VF and computational tasks. The VF task required the participant to name various animals within 1 minute of her. Adversity was assessed by matching different items to definitions of adversity (ie, hunger, stress, periods of financial hardship, death of one or both parents) throughout life.

For each item, participants documented the calendar year in which the event began, and the team identified periods of life during which they experienced adversity based on differences in date of birth. The course of life was divided into childhood (0.0 to 20.0 years), early adulthood (21.0 to 40.0 years), and middle age (41.0 to 60.0 years).


Early experience of financial hardship predicted poor VF performance, and early childhood starvation predicted delayed recall and poor VF performance. However, adversity experienced later in life (early adulthood and middle age) did not negatively predict cognitive function and related changes in later life. In contrast, stress and financial hardship experienced in early adulthood predicted better delayed recall and ventricular fibrillation performance in later life. In contrast, experiencing financial hardship in middle age was predicted to result in smaller declines in delayed recall.

Older adults, less educated men, and those with less educated fathers had worse delayed recall performance as they got older. VF performed poorly among older adults with lower parental education levels and among participants with lower levels of education. Older people also had a more rapid decline in delayed recall performance across waves. Economic difficulties in middle age reduce recall delays, improve cognitive skills, and encourage paid work, while adulthood gives us better resources and creativity.


Overall, the findings showed that early-life adversity (particularly hunger and financial hardship) was negatively associated with cognitive aging, whereas later-life adversity was not. The findings underscore the importance of the sensitive period (early life) in the experience of adversity and the negative impact of economic hardship and starvation early in life on cognitive health later in life, which may help inform social policy decisions. may provide information to

Adversity, hunger, and adverse socioeconomic conditions in childhood can have long-lasting effects on cognition in older adults compared to adulthood. Financial difficulties experienced in childhood seem to influence the level of VF performance and changes in delayed recall. This is probably because the accumulation of cognitive functions decreased due to the decrease in mental stimulation and the deterioration of lifestyle habits due to economic constraints in childhood. Early childhood hunger can cause changes in neurotransmitter systems that affect cognition.




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