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Excessive alcohol can cause muscle wasting in middle age, new study says

Excessive alcohol can cause muscle wasting in middle age, new study says


are you a heavy drinker? Then it’s time to lift restrictions, as new research shows that people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol are at risk of losing muscle mass down the road. They also found that people who consumed 10 or more units of alcohol daily had the greatest loss of muscle mass, which could lead to middle-aged frailty. This amount is equivalent to drinking about 1 bottle of wine or 5 pints of beer per day.

A study conducted by the University of East Anglia argues that alcohol consumption is a highly modifiable risk factor and should be corrected early. The researchers looked at data from the UK Biobank, which contains health information from 500,000 people in the UK, and looked at data from about 200,000 people between the ages of 37 and 73. The majority of subjects were middle-aged in their 50s and 60s. A large sample size means that the team did a good job of capturing drinking habits.

How does excessive alcohol consumption lead to muscle mass loss?

“We call this sarcopenia, a progressive and generalized skeletal muscle disorder that is associated with increased negative health outcomes, including decreased bone mineral density, osteoporotic fractures, falls, and more. , is associated with frailty, hospitalization, and disability.This commonly occurs as an age-related process in older adults, but is also influenced by genetic and lifestyle factors that act throughout the life course. “Unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles are known to accelerate the development of sarcopenia,” said Associate Consultant in Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary Sciences, Fortis Escorts, Ocra, New Jersey. says Dr. Abinav Kumar. Delhi.

What is the relationship between alcohol consumption and muscle mass loss?

“There is ample evidence to suggest that alcohol is directly toxic to both skeletal and cardiac muscle cells and damaged muscle cells. Alcohol increases inflammatory mediators and glucocorticoids, causing muscle breakdown.” Alcohol also causes changes in the gut microbiota, which leads to increased ammonia, up-regulation of muscle breakdown and down-regulation of muscle protein synthesis, in other words, wasting existing muscle. Over time, increased alcohol consumption causes tissue damage and deficiencies of B vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, and vitamin D. These affect the process of converting protein into muscle and repairing it. ,” he says.

Responding to the new study, Dr. Kumar explained that it is a more definitive study compared to previous studies on the subject over the past 30 years. “Furthermore, attention should be paid not only to the unhealthy indicators of alcohol consumption, but also to the associated nutritional deficiencies and undernutrition. Physical activity and sedentary levels were not measured in this study, but they Also plays an important role in muscle development.There is a need to further evaluate whether sarcopenia in heavy drinkers is caused by diet, a sedentary lifestyle, or whether alcohol alone causes the damage. Alcohol is known to cause systemic disease, so it is imperative that unhealthy use be strongly discouraged in all age groups,” Dr Kumar added.

How can I treat sarcopenia in patients who drink unhealthily?
Doctors recommend complete abstinence as a first step. “Nutrition is also a top priority, with a focus on increasing protein intake in the diet. Regular exercise has been shown to help. , leading to improved health and functional capacity,” he added.

Does post-workout drinking slow muscle recovery? What do studies show?

A 2019 review of 12 studies found that alcohol can affect muscle recovery only if drinking is consistent during recovery. Continuous consumption of alcohol can reduce the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which activates muscle cells. Exercise consumes ATP, so you need to replenish it.

What else can you do to rebuild muscle mass?

Get the protein you need per kg of body weight, rest, sleep, and separate your strength training routine and other exercise schedules every other day. When it comes to alcohol, limit yourself to one glass a day.




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