Eavesdropping on this mosquito-borne virus? How to protect your home this summer
In 2020 New coronavirus, Killing wasp, Locusts, and the giant “Godzilla” Sahara dust cloud. There’s another potential threat to radar this summer, as if it wasn’t enough to deal with. It is called Eastern Equine Encephalitis, or EEE, and is known as the worst mosquito-borne disease in the United States.
“This virus first spreads among one particular mosquito species, Culiseta melanura, which transmits the pathogen among tree-dwelling swamp birds. Brittany Campbell, Entomologist of the National Pest Management Association. “And it picks up pathogens from birds infected by different human-eating mosquito species and spreads them to humans.”
Campbell explains that people in these areas are at the highest risk of infection because C. melanura is mainly located along the Gulf, Great Lakes, and the east coast.
“If you have the right conditions, such as large mosquito populations, swamps, or bird reservoirs for pathogens, the disease can occur,” Campbell says.
Last year, the Centers for Disease Control received reports of 38 confirmed EEE cases, including 15 deaths. According to the CDC, about 30% of people with EEE die and many survivors have neurological problems.
There is no vaccine for EEE, so it is important to avoid mosquito bites. To protect this summer from this rare but deadly disease, experts recommend the following tips:
Stay indoors
The new coronavirus already keeps many of us indoors, but there is another reason you are at home. Mosquitoes that infect the virus act at dawn and dusk.
“Some evidence suggests that these timeframes may be expanding due to premature warming and longer warming in areas where EEE was discovered,” he said. David Brown, Technical Advisor to the American Mosquito Control Association.
Use screen
Mosquitoes can enter the house through windows and doors, but mesh screens keep them out. Attach it to the window or door you want to keep open.
“We check windows and door screens for tears and holes and have them repaired to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside the house,” Campbell says.
Experts also recommend the use of air conditioning where possible. If you have an outdoor dining area, please use the internet or a fan.
Remove still water
In summer, use more water outdoors, such as in a children’s pool or slide. Remember, however, that mosquito breeding requires water. Therefore, do not leave puddle in the garden for a long time.
“Believe it or not, mosquitoes need 0.5 inches of stagnation water to lay eggs.
“Make sure there are no water pools in the flowerpots, buckets, pet dishes, trash cans, and other backyard water sources,” he says. Peter Bonclude, Chairman of the California Mosquito and Vector Control Association.
Remember to cover the water storage container, such as the rain barrel, as well.
Use mosquito repellent
The best way to prevent EEE is not to be bitten, right? According to experts, a good way to prevent mosquito bites is EPA registered Day and night ingredients.
“To prevent mosquito bites, it’s important to have a good repellent containing at least 20% diet. [the most common active ingredient in bug repellent]”When I spend the outdoors with oil of picaridine, or lemon eucalyptus,” Campbell says.
Appropriate clothes
You may feel like the weather in shorts and t-shirts, but going to high-risk areas with minimal skin coverage is probably not a good idea. Wear long sleeves and trousers when hiking or walking in forests or bushes.
“Avoid wearing dark, floral, sweet-smelling perfumes and colognes that can attract mosquitoes.” Campbell.
post Eavesdropping on this mosquito-borne virus? How to protect your home this summer First appeared Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.comĀ®..
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