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Fauci warns COVID-19 can be as bad as the 1918 flu pandemic


The country’s top infectious disease specialists this week could reach the level of the 1918 flu pandemic, where a coronavirus pandemic devastated the world between 1918 and 1920, killing millions. I warned that there is.

“This is a historical ratio of pandemics. I can’t deny that fact. Looking back on history, I think it’s comparable to what was seen in 1918.” Head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci said.

The 1918 pandemic, misunderstood as the “Spanish flu”, is caused by a deadly strain of influenza and is considered one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. An estimated 500 million people, about one third of the world’s population at that time, were infected four times in a row.

Relation: Virus infected 2020 looks like 1918 despite scientific march

Forchi’s comment took place on Tuesday Georgetown University Global Health Initiative Q&AHe adds that current and future interventions hope to prevent such disasters.

“By looking at the magnitude of the 1918 pandemic, 50 to 75 million to 100 million people died worldwide, which means that it is the mother of all pandemics and is truly historic. It was a thing,” said Forch. “Even (COVID-19) hopes to stay away from it, but it has the potential or potential to approach it seriously.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, presented at the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Commission hearing on June 30, 2020 in Washington, DC (Photo courtesy of Al Drago-Pool). / Getty Images)

Fauci mentioned a “strong analogy” between the two health crises. This includes both situations involving the emergence of new infections.

“It was the flu. It was a coronavirus, which was essentially forced on humans,” he said. “As I said, it had two features that created a “perfect storm”. And, although it is a species-jumping virus, it spreads from person to person almost immediately, in an unusually efficient and efficient manner. At the same time, there is considerable morbidity and mortality. “

Fauci said the current challenges facing the United States are related to the new coronavirus, “the numbers are fairly modest,” he added.

The country is the world leader, with data from Johns Hopkins University reporting confirmed cases of COVID-19, more than 3.4 million deaths from infections and 136,000 deaths.

Relation: CoronavirusNOW.comFOX launches national hub for COVID-19 news and updates

Hospitals nationwide Out of space During the revival of the incident. As of July 15, approximately 56,000 patient Hospitalized nationally for COVID-19 in 38 states Uptrend If newly confirmed.

“Especially in areas like California, Florida, Arizona and Texas. They see record numbers of incidents,” he said. “Here we are in a serious situation.”

Fauci suggested that there is a link between the surge of cases and the states trying to lift the business and lift other restrictions.

“Personal, seen mainly in bars crowded with young people, many of them really add fuel to the fire, without a mask,” Foech said.

“Our challenge today, tomorrow, and next week is to try and contain these outbreaks, get them back on track to not only contain us, but open them up safely,” he added. ..

Relation: Interactive map shows the risk of encountering COVID-19 at events of various sizes across the country

This story was reported by Cincinnati.

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